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Showing 413

Add ability to set filter values on saved reports via API

As part of an end to end tooling strategy we want to measure total aha scores,ideas and votes per release to push in to our BI tooling. Reports can be created to get this information, and can be accessed via the API (and thus can be automated). Ho...
Ann L about 7 years ago in Application 0 Will not implement

Get All tasks API - filter or order by "updated_at"

To synchronize tasks between e.q. Todoist and Aha we can use this API (using it now): . But there is no possibility to filter tasks we get from API. We need to...
Kamil Gozdek over 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

Add To-Do, Comments, and Watcher functionality to Initiative Dashboard

For some reason, these three core functions seem to be absent from Initiatives Please consider adding for consistency and added value
Joe Carpenter over 7 years ago in Strategy 3 Will not implement

Presentation Access Expiration (Security option)

Please allow us to generate a secure link that is accessible until an "Expiration Date". This would allow us to share links with external customers. And also so that the link will not work if forwarded. This gives us an option to share the present...
Guest over 7 years ago in Presentations 1 Will not implement

Create competitive pricing tier for low-access users

Picture this. You're paying Aha $1800 per year for Enterprise+ because that's the tier you need. 100 people work at your company, and they have been using Zoho Projects @ $60 per year per person. You are not not not going to convince this company ...
Debbie Levitt over 3 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Re-use a Persona in 1 to n products

Once you create a persona it should let you assign it to different products (even products in different product lines). With the current capability, if you create a persona at a product line level, ALL child products inherit this persona. In many ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Will not implement

Ability to bulk change the team status on features or requirements

Sometimes a feature ships but some of its requirements are not marked as done by the developer. Currently we need to manually update the status on each requirement's page in order to stop it from displaying in the backlog.
Kelly Sebes almost 4 years ago in Sprints 0 Will not implement

Mobile application emulators for testing

If it's possible, could the Product Specialist team have access to mobile emulators for the android and iOS applications? As a member of the Product Specialist team, when running through the zone/tariff pre and post go live processes, this is alwa...
Guest almost 8 years ago in User management 2 Will not implement

Remove filtering options that aren't actually available in a particular view

In my release overview, I was trying to show my "parking lot" items. I found after talking with a Aha! rep that since the parking lot items aren't part of the release they have no container in which to display and that filters throughout the site ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Releases 0 Will not implement

Expose User Documentation through the UI

Currently Documentation in the UI points at API documentation. Embedding user documentation in the UI makes more sense!
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Will not implement