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Allow custom due date options for to-do automation actions

Who would benefit? Users who are looking to automate the creation of to-dos, approvals or work requests What impact would it make? Allow more flexibility in to-do creation How should it work? Similar to how we can select the custom date option whe...
Kristina Gass about 1 year ago in To-dos 3 Future consideration

Academy classes in different timezones

GOAL: Offer classes in timezones outside of North America | TIMEZONES: BST, AUS, IST.
Julie Price about 3 years ago in Training 2 Future consideration

Support "same as" automations for custom text fields

What is the challenge? Automations currently make it possible to pass values from one record to another, such as users and dates. We need the ability to copy simple text fields (not note fields) across records. What is the impact? We need to captu...
Nathaniel Collum 4 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Show linked release information in ideas portal ahead of release

What is the challenge? Our stakeholders want to understand when their ideas may be released, and what release they are associated to. This would help with visibility and planning. What is the impact? without this, stakeholders may see a status of ...
Veronica Melin 8 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Update feature dates based on changes to remaining estimate

What is the challenge? Scenario: You have entered a detailed estimate and started logging work. You realize that there is a lot more work to do, so you update the remaining estimate to reflect the additional time required to complete it. Currently...
Chris Quigley 8 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Custom roadmap: continuous rolling 12 month view

What is the challenge? Given that we have standard views for stakeholders and teams, we have to go in every month and quarter to adjust the dates on each roadmap What is the impact? It is time consuming and another thing to make sure we audit each...
Patrick Dyle about 1 month ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Show ideas created by me as an Aha User or when logged into the portal

What is the challenge? When I go the ideas portal and select 'My Ideas', I can only see ideas I created as a portal user. I cannot see ideas I created within the Aha interface as an Aha user. What is the impact? I'm not able to see all the ideas I...
Eliza Crawford about 1 month ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

To give a capability to add blank as a value for custom fields via CSV upload.

What is the challenge? Currently when doing a bulk update for a custom field if the data is already present and we need to update the field via with blanks. As of now this has to be done manually. What is the impact? It takes a huge time to do a m...
Guest about 1 month ago in Features 0 Future consideration

link whiteboard object (x,y) position with field values

What is the challenge? When using a cost-benefit whiteboard to prioritize features it would be very helpful if the position i move a feature to was persisted to the feature card. What is the impact? This would make whiteboards part of actual work ...
Keith Murphy 4 months ago in Whiteboards 3 Future consideration

Copy Custom Fields

I would like to be able to copy a custom field, for example from Features to Requirements. I have several custom fields for Feature, then when I want to create a requirement from Aha! it complains those custom fields are not available,
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 11 Likely to implement