Provide a means to globally disable the automatic start and end date configuration for initiatives
Currently when creating a new initiative, the set start and end data for initiatives is default enabled. Create a means to globally default that setting to disable.
Gavin Saldanha
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Depending on what you are doing, it might be nice to select the date ranges (versus one month at a time). That way, if I had a two-week push that I wanted to review, I could see just those two weeks. Or, if a content program was starting mid month...
Molly Jane Quinn
over 7 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
When creating a list report on our competitors, the competitors are placed on the vertical axis and the competitor fields are listed across the horizontal axis. I would love to be able to switch this, with the competitors across the top and fields...
Bryan Crist
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Allow for two-way mapping to Jira with Initiatives
Many of our product team don't understand why we can't map the Initiative field to a custom field in Jira and have it populate in Aha from the Jira ticket. It seems unintuitative because all of the other linked fields we use can be populated from ...
Max O.
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
We would like to highlight the admin responses we post to Ideas on the Idea Portal landing page, without requiring users to click into the specific idea to see our response. It would better highlight the product team's action in reviewing/respondi...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas / Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Support iovation LaunchKey for Multi-Factor Authentication
Currently you seem to only support stronger authentication options for those customers who use Duo (under their own contract). While we would be OK with an Aha! contracted strong authenticator, if we must supply our own then our preference would b...
over 7 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
In tag fields, trigger the list view of tags only after clicking within the field. If I need another tag, let me click the field again. Currently, the behavior assumes that if I choose one tag, I'll probably want more. I don't, but I have to click...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Would like to include QTR's as an option when reporting on a timeframe
Currently when setting up reports, the following options are available:
Only the last one - Custom - Allows for non-date selections like Next Qtr, Last Qtr, etc. I would like to have the same options for the all the ...
Joe Carpenter
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement