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Notify the appropriate users when they need to evaluate a work request

Work requests are a great new feature, and it's great that they can be assigned to workspaces. However, there needs to be a way for the appropriate users to be notified that there is a new workspace that needs their attention.
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Add support for work requests within Automations

Work requests are a great way for us to request work from multiple product teams that might play a role in our launches. There currently isn't a way to include work requests in automation rules. There are a couple use case we would need: 1) Abilit...
Mark Eaves over 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Enhanced Tab Navigation and Date Entry in Worksheet Type Fields

Hi Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to propose a feature enhancement that we believe would significantly improve our experience with your product. We use Aha! extensively for managing our product development processes, a...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Shipped

Please create a Slack 'message shortcut'

Create a way to create an Aha feature or idea from a Slack message shortcut. Similar to those shown in the attached file and on this page:
C K over 3 years ago in Slack 1 Shipped

Ability to create a new initiative from the goal detail page

From the goal detail page, can we add an enhancement to have the ability to add a new initiative from this page similar to have the ability to add a new comment or to-do instead of toggling over to add a new initiative then roll up?
Marina Reyna over 6 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Convert notes to Release - from whiteboard

Hi, when starting to use whiteboards in Aha! I wanted to convert a note (sticker) into a release. But I did not found it, the others seems to be in place (from Idea all the way up to Goal =). Releases are our most important and the most used data ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Add images to features

It would be very handy to be able to paste images in line in feature descriptions, not just add attachments. Images often compliment the story at a given moment. Attachments are also cumbersome to what is otherwise a quick process.
Guest over 11 years ago in  2 Shipped

Product line goals linking to product goals

We've set goals for our product line and each product team has separate goals that support the goals of the product line. In the strategy diagram, I'd like to show the goals for the product line and then the products and their goals that all suppo...
Guest about 9 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Features > List should be limited to selected Product

After I have selected a product, I can flip through Strategy, Releases, and Ideas. When I go to Features, I can flip through flip through Board, Details, and Roadmap. All the while, I'm just seeing things related to the selected Product. The momen...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Home page: Allow tables, lists, charts or roadmaps to be set as the default view

As a product manager I use the board view all the time. However, when sharing with wider teams within the business, engineers particularly prefer a table view of features/requirements for a release. In the two organisations where I have used Aha!,...
Kevin McIntyre over 1 year ago in Application 1 Shipped