I upload a data base with more than 2000+ clients to the organization feature in Aha. But as the name it's not standardized and does not match the Salesforce account name, I want to delete them all and submit it again. But there's not a bulk edit ...
Anna Bittencourt
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Select the Ideas Portal for the current workspace when creating an idea from a whiteboard
What is the challenge? Currently, I have to select the right workspace to create an idea from the current workspace (let's call it #1). The default workspace for creating an idea is now set to the customer-facing Ideas Portal on another workspace ...
We would like the ability to respond to specific Public Comments, to create a separate thread, rather than adding a new comment at the end of the thread. This would be helpful in keeping track of conversations, particularly where there are dozens ...
Ginger Alford
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Notification Subscriptions for new ideas by Trending/Recent/Popular/Category
Allow users to subscribe to notifications for new ideas that are trending, recent, or popular if they want to stay on top of ideas.
We would also like to allow users to subscribe to notifications by category. Ideally, they'd be able to choose if t...
Jeff Champagne
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
You give us the ability to set up dependencies between features, which is great. But it isn't clear how useful these really are, though. Can we easily see those dependencies without opening each feature and looking a the dependencies?
Configure multiple release phases templates per product\product line
A product line often has several types of releases that may require different milestones. For example: Sprint releases with planning, development and release milestones released every 2 weeks Beta releases with planning, alpha, training, communica...
New My work homepage is missing work request to-dos
The new My work page does not show work request to-dos. This is a problem because I use those all the time and want to see them here. If approval to-dos are also missing, they should be shown as well. The original My Work page "/user_dashboard/all...
Todd Meyer
over 1 year ago
in My work / To-dos
Enable initiative scorecard mapping through Jira integration
Who would benefit? Jira users who would like their development team to see the initiative score. What impact would it make? Clarity on prioritization from a strategic level. How should it work? Allow default scorecard and custom values to display ...
Aha User Management: Please provide a history for each user
Use Case: I would like to have a running history for each user that can be accessed (when were they granted access, dates permissions to various products were applied, when they were deactivated, etc.) Ideally this data would also be exportable.