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Provide option to display Last Active column in Settings > Account > Billing > Users UI.

The Last Active column was recently removed.  We understand it takes a bit longer to load the page, but for administrators of large user groups, it's worth the extra few seconds of wait time to see this data in the UI and be able to sort by t...
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Master feature dropdown includes master features that have been shipped

The master feature dropdown (on the feature record) includes master features that have been shipped, which are in releases that have been shipped. This results in a long list of master features in the dropdown and increases the chance for error to...
Craig P almost 5 years ago in  0 Shipped

Automatically turn URLs in comments into hyperlinks

If a URL is pasted into a comment and posted, the URL text is not automatically turned into a link like in most comment engines, which is inconsistent with the behaviour of the idea body.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Shipped

User management visibility: who first provided a user paid seat level permission

For larger companies (esp. those using SSO), who created the user is not as helpful for seat management vs. the first user that provided product permissions. If someone is a product owner, they can invite an existing unlimited user into their prod...
Donna Sawyer almost 8 years ago in User management 1 Shipped

Add "Capacity" to Features --> Roadmap view

Other "features" views show estimate and capacity values on the cards and at the top of the release. I'd like to see this in the Features --> Workflow view so I can compare values across master releases, releases, and products. I find that th...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

"Release Date" is not customized to reflect a change in Release terminology

Submitted by Kenneth MacArthur: Upon customizing the terminology, you don’t customize the term “release date” – even though this is clearly a derivative term of “release”. Could you either provide a specific customization for this term, or just us...
Matt Case over 9 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

To-do items without Due Dates to be sorted alphabetically

As an avid user of To-dos (in My Work), I need task without Due Dates to be sorted alphabetically just like those in groupings by Due Date. The later was a request I made last year, and I’d love the sort to be applied to items without dates.
Richard Price over 1 year ago in To-dos 1 Shipped

Adding a 'Complete Percentage' on Goals and Initiatives

We've set up a high-level goal of completing x number of initiatives for the year and it would be fantastic to be able to track the completion percentage for those initiatives at the goal-level. Preferably in something like an Overview or Dashboar...
Guest about 8 years ago in Application 2 Shipped

Initiative filter for "in Progress" should filter out "not started" items as well as "achieved" items

The "in progress" filter on the initiatives pages filters out "abandoned" and "achieved" initiatives but it leaves "not started" inititiatives on screen. Add more flexible filtering using a drop-down list instead of the All|In progress links use...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

Allow Releases to be associated with any Initiative in any product

Right now Features can be associated with any initiative in any product, but Releases can only be associated with initiatives in their own product. This makes it very difficult to be consistent.
Guest about 8 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped