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Release template with external release date template

Having the external release date being able to be a custom milestone or tied to a milestone allows for the external release date to not always be at the end of the release.
Guest over 1 year ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Release Template | Map Release Date to Non-Final Milestone

We all know the "work" doesn't end with a release date, there are other activities related to a release that happen after the actual code release, such as success metric tracking, potential "cohort" release (ex. the same code going out to 1/2 of t...
Laura Vassilowitch over 1 year ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Automatically import Jira items that are moved from a non-integrated project

When a Jira story is moved from a non-integrated project to an integrated project, and placed under an integrated release, the story is not imported automatically into Aha! An update to the issue is required to trigger the webhook and import the i...
Marcin Radlak about 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Ideas query language

I'd love it if Aha had a query language like Jira's JQL for querying ideas. Coming to Aha! as a power user of Jira, it feels like a big loss of efficiency. The GUI-based query builder is painfully slow to use. I can't easily send the results to so...
Michael Prescott about 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Include "Release Epic count" as a standard Release field for reporting

Currently, when generating reports for releases, it provides you with a standard field called "Release features count" to include in the report. However, there is no standard field for "Release epic count" which can be extremely helpful in our env...
Karla Johnson about 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Easily Reference Fields More than One Relationship Away

I'd like to count the number of Requirements that roll-up to an Initiative without creating a custom worksheet formula on the Features, then referencing that field on the Initiative worksheet. I was informed by Aha! support that, "The worksheets c...
Phil Warden over 4 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Ability to capture & report on the number of comments received during a specified time period

Currently, you can capture & report on how many ideas are received [within a specified time frame]. It would also be helpful if we could capture & report on how many public comments are received [within a specified time frame]. It can ...
jessica howard about 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Ability to create workflows for Products

We have a lot of people with rights to create new products, but they are not always notifying me when they do so I can add them to the Ideas portal and certain reports. I need to be able setup a workflow to notify me when a new Product is setup so...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Make Initiative views in Notebook more useful by adding descriptions and comments

Right now, neither the initiative list, nor including initiative detail is very useful in a notebook. The list of initiatives doesn't have enough information to be useful -- it would need the description, at minimum to be useful to me, and it tak...
Cameron O'Rourke over 9 years ago in Presentations 4 Will not implement

When I move a feature to the parking lot in Aha, it should move to the icebox if it exists in Pivotal

Most sprints priorities will change a little bit as time goes on and it will be appropriate to remove a ticket that was added previously. Likewise, if a sprint is over subscribed some tickets may roll over into the next sprint. When this happens, ...
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Will not implement