Issue while copy and paste in Description of feature
If the user copies some content, then pastes in the description, market/user problem or need, and Impact to customer/user section, it has pasted multiple times and the user cannot edit this properly.The copied content should be pasted properly and...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists
Customers (portal users) want to be a watcher on the idea portal and be notified of all incoming ideas
We are using an idea portal for a specific feedback channel on a beta product release. The customers submitting the feedback wish to be watchers so they can get an email on all incoming feedback instead of visiting the site regularly to find out.
Charlene Brennan
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
In the public ideas portal UI I would like to see the latest comment on top, or at least a filter option, so that I don't have to scroll a lot to get up to date. It would also make the latest admin comment stand out.
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
I am a department manager who is focused on developing team capabilities and making improvements to people, processes, technology wrt my team.
I'm looking for a way to create and track a roadmap of initiatives that can be implemented as part of ...
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Already exists
In Aha! we can see the current snapshot of our strategy. Although the vision shouldn't really change over time, the Business Model does change. The competitor information also changes. When the business model changes, then your goals and initiativ...
Emil Stoychev
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Currently, there is no way to download all of our Aha! data in bulk. we an only download all the data for each record type is via the List report under Roadmaps. We can create a list of all records of a specific type (including personas and compet...
My company would like to be able to show the roadmap in an iframe on our company intranet homepage, which is Confluence, in a way that will automatically update when the roadmap is updated. Unfortunately, we only have a small space available and t...
over 6 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
I want to be notified, in fact I want my whole team to be across new Ideas as they come in from customers, in a slack channel.
Currently I can only subscribe to logged in user events for slack notifications, anonymous users who log the ideas do ...
almost 8 years ago
in Slack
Already exists
Please include folder structure in notes section under develop
Please include folder option on the notes section under develop. This will help to organize the notes based on category. Also, would provide a structure when accessing them at a later time.
Rebeka Sultana
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Already exists