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Priority limit line on subsequent pages of Prioritization view

Love the new prioritization lines introduced last week. However, they can only be placed on the first page. We have a need to also place them on the subsequent pages, as we have that many features to keep track of. We're hoping to use these to als...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Support named ranges with points as the base unit

What is the challenge? Named ranges require users to set ranges corresponding to time estimates. However, many teams use points as their common way of estimating. T-shirt sizes will correspond to a range of points. Points are also what come back a...
Max Robbins 7 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Display attachments on Knowledge documents shared with guests or in a Knowledge Base

Who would benefit? Users accessing Knowledge documents shared with them via Guest Access or in a Knowledge Base. What impact would it make? There is no way for users accessing these documents currently to see any attachments added to the original ...
Maria Plotkina about 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Show child initiatives nested under parent initiatives on the strategic roadmap

We have initiatives with child initiatives and those child initiatives contain releases, epics and features. The child initiatives are in a separate workspace line from the parent initiatives. The Strategy>Initiatives>Roadmap view works fine...
Dave Tucker about 3 years ago in  2 Future consideration

Ability to add automation to move a work item to a different release based upon a field

What is the challenge? There are times that certain records can move to a different release based upon the selection of a predefined choice field and do not require analysis and decisions. What is the impact? Inability to set up automation to do t...
Guest about 1 month ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Show Total for Doughnut Charts

What is the challenge? When using Doughnut Charts you have to do math in your head to calculate the total items represented on the chart What is the impact? Data is not as usable for executive presentations as it could be Describe your idea In the...
Lorena Connolly about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

checklists for my designers and releases

What is the challenge? I need an easy way to list features that designers need to work on that we can check off What is the impact? Something for design but can also be used to communicate to other stakeholders Describe your idea
Guest about 1 month ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Allow @mention in Note field

What is the challenge? We use the 'Note' field throughout our record types, including Goals, Initiatives, Features, Requirements, etc. While we can use To-Dos, it would be easier for many of our use cases to @mention someone directly in the field ...
Jon Ragsdale 7 months ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Promoting an idea should copy the creator's information to the feature

What is the challenge? Currently, the "Created By" field on the idea card in Aha! displays only the name of the user who submitted the idea. However, this information is lost when the idea is promoted to a feature/epic, making it difficult to trac...
Guest 7 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Ability to change color and remove table borders in Notes

What is the challenge? When creating a table in Knowledge, I'm unable to remove borders or change their color What is the impact? If I need to lay the page out in a specific way, one way to accomplish this is to use a table; however, I don't alway...
Jeff Bye 6 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration