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Showing 413

Link a record to product

We want to show that a Feature A, which is being developed for Product A, is going to depend/relate/impact Product B using the 'link to another record' button. Right now, we would have to link Feature A to a specific feature/initiative/release/e...
Guest over 6 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement

Webhooks for merged ideas

Aha's public API is key for us to manage our backlog of ideas and interconnect Aha with other systems. Therefore, having the ability to receive webhooks when two ideas have been merged would allow us to set Aha at the heart of our Product Manageme...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

ToDo Activity webhook Selected users - change way of sending for Assigned user

Hello, the user want to has synchronized all assigned to him todo from Aha in his application where all tasks he is doing. Could you add the "Assigned User" filter which will send only the changes for the user who want it. Today the activity webho...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

Google chat integrations - Multi-select "fields" to customize the feed in chats.

I want the ability to build a custom feed for my chats integration. I don't want to receive all fields for records. I want to be able to select which fields I can view in the feed.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

Freehand writing of a note

Being able to utilize the freehand writing that a stylus provides would work wonders. I primarily use an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil to take notes.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Notes 0 Will not implement

Add ProductPrefix and ProductRole attributes to Aha SAML integration app offered via Okta

We have enabled SSO for our users via Okta using SAML 2.0. Aha! team has provided Aha SAML integration App via Okta (told by Okta support). However, this ready made integration app does not support optional attributes ProductPrefix nor ProductRole...
Antti Toivonen almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Implementation consulting and Professional services

The enterprise + plan is great. I think there is a real opportunity to go the next step and provide services and support for implementation and professional services from Aha! The Aha! team is great at advising, asking questions, but it stops at d...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Application 0 Will not implement

Please show images inline when idea is created from mail

If additional the images are shown as files below the text, it is fine, but when a customer sends in a mail with a number of screenshots, it becomes almost unreadable by us, since we have to find the right images with the markers in the text.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Will not implement

Provide warning to users when mapping multiple fields to single field

While it is physically possible to map multiple fields in Aha! to a single field in Rally/JIRA etc., it is not clear to the user what this will do. Please add a warning that this configuration will result in multiple conflicting updates to that ex...
Bonnie Trei almost 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Will not implement

Abilitiy to Translate the initiatives Quadrant Values

Is there a way to access the value and use it in a custom field to create ranges with in the initiatives section?
Marina Reyna almost 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Will not implement