As a product manager I'd like to be able to define both an internal and an external product name.
The case might be that our team and internal employees refer to a product as "X". Externally, our customers know the product as "Y" in marketing and ...
Scott Goldblatt
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
The new calculation/formula fields available in reports need to be exportable as well
The data is available in the UI, but when any of our users try to export the report to Excel to perform a pivot or anything like that, the calculation is always missing. It's very tedious to work around.
Wen-Wen Lin
about 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Who would benefit? Product managers What impact would it make? Gives place to store running list of products ideas/features prior to refinement. How should it work? It should have tabs to categorize new inputs (team members can add their own or se...
about 1 year ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Quarter markers should also show in the Notebook view of a custom roadmap
Quarter markers show right above the calendar dates at the top of a custom roadmap. When I create a notebook off of the custom report, the calendar date markers appear but the quarter markers are gone. It would be nice to still have them as a visu...
Wen-Wen Lin
about 6 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Who would benefit? All Product & Project managers who need an additional level of organization to do "feature" level releases. This is especially useful since we train & speak to feature level releases in Agile framework & have no actu...
Leslie ORegan
about 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists
When cleaning up custom table records, it is sometimes necessary to delete many records at once. It would be nice to be able to delete these records all at once.
Austin Merritt
over 6 years ago
Already exists
As an Aha! user, I would like to view a report in two clicks. This could be possible if Favorites was the default view instead of All -- I've already declared them to be my favorites -- and if the report opened when the tile is clicked. That would...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Hi. I can search by text on all work items/tables except for to-dos.
Please can you add this filter so that I can manage/filter/process/digest my to-dos by text searches.
Ida van Jaarsveld
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
I would like AHA to have the ability to create a full product catalog that links roadmap items, marketing, pricing etc.. Currently, you can list work you are doing on your product for the future or something that you delivered but you cannot defin...
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists