Include formatting tags when exporting a List report to a CSV file for later import
We originally set up Aha! with a custom field called "Summary" and later made the decision that it was redundant with the "Description" field and so wanted to remove it. Before doing that, we wanted to transfer any data from the existing Summary f...
John Gartner-Baca
about 5 years ago
in Reports
If I generate a report based on Ideas, I can include the Idea URL for the portal ("Idea submitted portal URL", but if I generate a web view for the report to share with external stakeholders (non-Aha users) the link is not clickable. It would be v...
Nicola Rolando
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Show more than one "in progress" in the Filter by Status
I set the workflow status to represent a stage-gate process. So, I have more than one status (4) in the "in progress" Category. It would be very useful have all in the filter.
Development URL columns in reports should be active hyperlinks
Columns used in reports like Azure DevOps Services URL or Jira URL when you have an integration with your development system should be active URLs and not static text fields.
Hi Support team, You probably know we are loving your tool, as we are using every day. We like the option of reordering the requirements attached to a feature, it helps a lot with prioritisation. We like it so much we would like to get the same op...
Add ability to bulk send features to JIRA when there are multiple JIRA projects
We have 5 teams and in each release, there are dozens of features. We are going to use tags to categorize which JIRA team will work on which features. Example: "Find Team" features will be tagged with "Search", "Recommendation" or "Catalog Managem...
Add new feature to the project phase you are active on
When you are in a project and you click “new feature” it automatically adds the new feature to the last project phase but it doesn’t seem to logically add it to the work phase that you are clicked on. It just randomly adds it to “Launch Planning” ...
As a product manager, I have many choices in my pre-defined choices and tags, and no longer have the ability copy/paste these values in bulk into the custom fields.
Scott Goldblatt
almost 8 years ago
in Account settings