Trigger activity webhook event when a custom table field value is added or updated
Who would benefit? Users of the activity webhook would like to know when updates to custom table field values take place What impact would it make? How should it work? When a user updates or adds a value to a field within a custom table, that shou...
Will Lawrence
over 1 year ago
in API / Integrations
Add API support to configure number of seats in a paid seat group
Who would benefit? Enterprise+ customers utilizing paid seat groups What impact would it make? Today, paid seat groups can only be managed within the UI. For teams with large user bases, it would be more efficient to be able to modify the number o...
When returning history via the API add a flag to return all records not just collated records
What is the challenge? It appears that the audits returned from the API only include collated records. Some users need all records. How would you solve it? Add a flag to allow all raw audits to be returned. What impact would it make?
Add API support for adding and removing Custom Roles
Under partial API support was added to custom user roles. However this is report only whne the user object is returned. Without the ability to set and unset these custom roles on a user via an API, I'd asser...
Nigel Lawrence
almost 3 years ago
in API
Need REST API to list team members (capacity planning)
We’re using capacity planning in and defined our teams and team members (users) there. Vast majority of the users (engineers) are Virtual Users (they do not need to access, we used them only for planning purposes). I’ve tried to use ...
We do some extensive NLP on the ideas our company receives and as a result of this we can identify Spam in a way that can supplement the Aha spam filters. We'd like to programatically 1) see what ideas were registered as spam against a specific pr...
Currently the API for votes can only return data one idea at a time. It would be much more efficient if I could retrieve all votes for all ideas based on the vote date.
Kelly Sebes
almost 2 years ago
in API / Ideas
API support for responding to portal private comment threads
After the recent release of private idea portal comments, please also make the ability to respond to private idea portal comments available to the API Users with customized integrations leveraging the API need this to fully engage with this feature
Jeanette Resnikoff
about 2 years ago
in API / Ideas
Hi, I'm making a custom Aha-Slack integration to get more useful notifications for proxy votes. Part of the custom Slack post is a link to view all ideas for the organization associated with the proxy vote. Unfortunately, the Endorsements API retu...
Retrieve proxy vote (idea endorsement) description via API
Hi, There doesn't seem to be a way to get a description field on idea endorsements via the API. Am I missing something? We can achieve what we want by migrating all our existing descriptions to a new custom field, but that's a change we'd like to ...