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prioritization view

my team currently has a ton of stuff in the parking lot - but it is very tough to prioritize this because the card-based layout is frustrating to use when you're only moving up/down in one column. too many other things and a lot of weird scrolling...
Steven Kaplan about 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Email notifications for added features

Users are currently able to watch and receive notifications for features that already exist, but there are a number of individuals on our team who would benefit from the ability to be notified when a new feature is added for existing product lines...
Guest about 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

Sending Feature to Pivotal Tracker should send story point Estimate

When Story Points are added to a story in PT, they are updated in Aha. This is great. However, it would also be nice if the Feature estimate in Aha (if specified in Story Points) was also sent to PT when the feature is pushed using the Action -&g...
Guest about 8 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Already exists

Add Tooltips/Descriptions to Scorecard Metrics

It would be valuable to be able to provide descriptions for Metrics used in scorecards similar to how you can add descriptions to custom fields and then hover over the ? for a tooltip description. This would provide the opportunity to document wha...
Matt Case about 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Provide the ability to delete previously generated PDFs

PDF gets out of sync with the web version and I would like to simply remove the PDF
Guest about 8 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists

Count Logged Hours for JIRA Story and Task Children

Currently the "logged hours" component in Aha reports displays the hours logged against the parent feature or requirement mapped to JIRA. ie; If Aha requirements are mapped to JIRA stories, then Aha pulls in the hours logged against all mapped ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Ability to track customer stories

It would be great to have a facility to profile key customer stories in the same way that we can competitors, this would assist in communicating value propositions in line with our product strategy. A default template could include: Overview, Re...
Fraser Mayfield about 8 years ago in Product 2 Already exists

Ability to archive ideas

We have a lot of ideas that got implemented or otherwise addressed but they keep showing on the portal distracting from the things that are still not addressed. I don't want to delete them because often thy contain useful comments and track of cus...
Tina Denuit-Wojcik about 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Lock/Archive Notebooks so they can't be edited

We have reviews (or "checkpoints") before and during the release where we reveal to stakeholders what we are doing in the release, the priorities, etc. We want to create notebooks to convey this information. After we have the checkpoint meeting, h...
Guest about 8 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists

Update date picker to include double chevron controls that jump forward/back by year

Dates are often set years in advance in the world of product management- lots of clicking to move 2 years out from today. Please make my 24 clicks to move 2 years out from today to 2 clicks by adding double chevron year jumpers to the calendar con...
Dan Molloy about 8 years ago in Application 0 Already exists