Loving the Kanban board, but with us up-leveling many of our efforts to initiatives, I'm wanting the same view for initiatives.
There are two ways I could see this working, and to be honest I'd love to get both:
Add an Initiative representation t...
Being able to link a persona or competitor to multiple products and Product Lines
This would be useful as in our business be have multiple products that are consumed by the same user base with the same characteristics. At the moment we have to create multiple personas which are essentially the same within each product they are ...
We currently use Checkbox to prompt our users to answer specific questions based on the webpage they are on in our product. We'd prefer to use Aha Ideas Portal as our one solution to gather ideas and canvas product users.
Diane Tinney
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Enable the Checkbox functionality in the Business Models.
Currently, there is the ability to add a checkbox list in the Business Models. However, the functionality doesn't work. If you check the box, then the item becomes crossed out. Evidently, this functionality was supposed to be for Personas only - b...
Kay Hungate
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Make a visible to all in organization for ideas portal
We'd like to use an Ideas portal for for our customer support requests. Our blocker right now is that there is no option to make ideas visible to only people within the org. None of the other options work for us. We need to have all the contact wi...
Jason LaCarrubba
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
With the Master Feature release for managing high level requirements(epics), we'd need the ability to create a separate workflow to manage and groom them. This workflow will be different from low-level features workflow which may include fixes and...
Michael Zadda
almost 8 years ago
in Features
The option to delete workspaces was recently changed to use archive instead. This helps to avoid mistakes in deletion as they can also be restored. However, there is not a way to bulk archive workspaces. Doing so would be necessary in situations w...
The concept of proxy voting is super useful, but having to manage an organization in two places is not. We have a custom table for customers that is a shared value across the work types. It would be helpful to be able to use the custom table as th...
Ronnie Merkel
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Filters on report in ideas portal do not require a click to close
What is the challenge? Setting filters on a report embedded in a porta page, to close the filter you need to click somewhere else on the screen. This is not intuitive and should not be required. What is the impact? End user frustration and impacti...
Rahul Singhania
8 months ago
in Ideas portal