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Competitors - Better way of showing / swiping through competitor screenshots

Provide something like one or more "folders" to show per competitor (e.g. "mobile screenshots") and when clicking on them, open a modalbox and the user is able to easily click / swipe through them (and maybe also download them)
Michael Haizmann almost 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Add feature start date as a field that can be added to card layout (Feature Board)

Add feature start date as a field that can be added to card layout (Feature Board)
Steve Podzamsky almost 4 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

In Pivot Reports we can display roll-up initiatives and initiatives - awesome. But sorting...

I use a pivot report for reporting out on the progress of Roll-up Initiatives Initiatives Epics Features are my cells This is very nice. I note that we end up using the Initiative and refer indriectly to the Roll-Up-Initiative name as a field. The...
Joseph Flynn almost 4 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Product launch Planner/Strategy planner

Would like a feature that allows me to organize a product launch template for any given Epic, release, feature.
Natasha Reynolds almost 4 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Single User list for both Idea Portal and "Full" Aha

It's very confusing to have two separate entities for a single person, 1 in the Ideas portal and the other in the the Full aha. If we're just using Aha internally, why can't the accounts apply to both sides of the interface?
Max Cascone almost 8 years ago in Ideas 4 Already exists

Activity stream to remember previous filters

When I open the activity stream there are three filters (products, users and timeframe). If I change any of these, the changes are not saved. So each time I open the activity stream I have to re-apply those filters. It would be useful if the activ...
paul everson almost 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Add Voter email domain as a selectable attribute

I trying to provide some information to our Account Managers. I would like to run a report that shows which IDEAS each account (user / email domain) has VOTED for. In this way, the account managers will be both aware of the activity being recorde...
paul everson about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Allow filtering on Releases

Would like to filter on the releases to be more specific - we have multiple teams that work to the same release schedule under the same Workspace and I'd like to filter out each team and see how much of the Release they have completed
Ben Snapper about 4 years ago in  1 Already exists

Allow number criteria when building a custom number field.

Make the field recognize numbers, but allow the customization of a number range. For example, 1-10. I tried to accomplish this with a predefined list, but it doesn't recognize the number as a value and therefor doesn't sort correctly.
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Relate / Link Ideas and Features for LSU / Agile / SCRUM

You can now promote an Idea to a Feature. But Ideas and Features often have many-to-one relationships. Right now you can relate a Feature to Goals and Initiatives but not to an Idea. If Aha! is to be used for LSU/Agile/SCRUM management, you must b...
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists