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Custom Sort on Charts

Who would benefit? Everyone who uses reports in Chart View. What impact would it make? It would allow me to communicate with my team and stakeholders better because the information I am sharing would be in a logical order visually. How should it w...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Map Aha! final score to JIRA priority

We manage the product through Aha! and the priority of features with Aha! Score. Product management can be easier and more efficient with an option to inform developers about priorities directly from Aha! to JIRA (We use JIRA Standard and Agile in...
Guest over 9 years ago in Jira 9 Unlikely to implement

Custom calendar "resolutions"

We operate in a SAFe development organisation and it would be great if we could create our own custom calendar resolution that shows each PI - as an alternative to the current options of Days, Week, Month, Quarters. Requirements: PIs can be set ma...
Mark Gerrard over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Please turn off the product suggestions and popups

Who would benefit? Everyday users What impact would it make? The popups with "news" is getting old quickly and disrupts everyday work. They are more frequent than before, almost to the point that I anticipate that I need to click something away be...
Guest about 1 year ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Add "Category" field to Documents & Links (Notebook Tab & Research Tab)

Who would benefit? Anyone looking for a specific kind of link or document. What impact would it make? It would reduce time to find documents, if you don't know the name. It would enable reporting out on specific kinds of documents. For instance, i...
Marcie Millenbach about 1 year ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

Integration with MixPanel

Mixpanel would be a useful product to integrate with.
Daniel Megson over 2 years ago in API 1 Future consideration

Add option of "Any Approval" or "All Approvals" for Approval To-Do created manually or via automation with Flexible Workflow

SITUATION: We have set up an automation rule to create an Approval To-Do record under a Feature when a certain condition is met (this is extremely helpful to help users know when an Approval To-Do should be used) After the Approval To-Do record is...
Roger Oliver over 4 years ago in To-dos 3 Future consideration

Allow Reviewers to Change Status and View History on Features and Master Features

Our workflow starts with product management creating a roadmap of features and master features in Aha. Engineering responds by changing the status to "understood", "committed", "will not fit", etc. Seeing the history on that provides a record of w...
Julia Doyle about 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow sorting of Initiative Time Frame in Reports

Currently, if you include Initiative Time Frame in a Report, you cannot sort by that field. Even being able to do an alpha sort would be helpful. We were forced to create a custom free text field which duplicates Time Frame just to be able to sort...
Greg Aldin over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Feature Card Print

In general our portfolio workflow involves us managing our backlog in Aha, but then creating a physical board that has all the current and upcoming features on a standup board where all of our team members can gather and discuss. Working only onli...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 5 Unlikely to implement