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Display the publication date on a presentation

Who would benefit? Product Managers sharing roadmaps What impact would it make? Product managers need control over what is shared with customers, and they want it to be obvious to anyone looking at a roadmap whether or not it is out of date. So if...
Anthea W over 1 year ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Add Dependencies to Gantt/Release Template To Dos for Better Project Management

Who would benefit? Project managers and organizations are looking to have better project management capabilities in Aha. What impact would it make? It would allow us to automatically adjust schedules when we have dependencies built in and a task t...
Stanton Melvin over 1 year ago in Dependencies / To-dos 0 Future consideration

Pivot changes - adjust calculation row and/or column independently

Currently with a Pivot chart you can choose to include a Total row AND column. For many pivot charts, only one of these makes sense and the other is useless space wasting data.
Greg Lyons almost 4 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Promoting Work Request

When promoting the Work Request to an object, copy all existing custom field values that are shared across all Ideas (with same API key) from the originating object to the new object
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in To-dos 7 Future consideration

Support "NULL" checks for calculated columns

When you are using calculated columns, and want to check if a 'value type' field such as a date is null, there isn't a clean way of comparing the value to null. For example: If a date is blank, return "Not set", else return the date formatted as a...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Disallow changes to ideas in specific statuses

As an Idea administrator or Product Owner, I'd like the original submitter to be unable to edit the idea that is in-progress or shipped, so it does not look like we implemented their altered narrative. Either admin editable in custom statuses, or ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Make admin access multi-level by organization/product line

We have multiple organizations/Business Units/Groups with their own product line in the hierarchy. We would like to be able to make them admin of just that area so that they can make the customizations they need without negatively impacting produc...
Marina Reyna over 6 years ago in Account settings 7 Future consideration

Kanban Board - Allow usage for idea workflow

The new Kanban board feature is excellent for managing feature workflows, but it would be equally good for managing idea workflows.
Shawn McKnight almost 10 years ago in Ideas 14 Future consideration

Private Portal self-registration for users that are not employees

THis statement from your documentation is the issue: "Private ideas portal users Users can only register for a private portal if they use an email address that belongs to one of the domains included in the Employee portal setting." THere should be...
Christopher L over 4 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Allow people to request access to Idea Portals

For private idea portals, it would be great if people could request access to the site for approval by the owners. This would be great for communities where people have diverse and common email domains and ease in the promotion and management of t...
Dan Orth over 10 years ago in Ideas 4 Future consideration