Expand/Collapse Release View to include Requirements
It's critical for our teams to see Features AND Requirements on the Release (Overview/Details View). You should be able to continue expanding down the hierarchy from Epic > Release > Feature > Requirement all within the Gantt.
I very much support this as with us having used a JIRA integration, we've made a couple of decisions that encouraged us to link requirements to JIRA tickets.
We absolutely need this functionality for sprint management
Please add this feature to AHA. It would be a great help in the daily planning work. Thank you.
This is a feature ithat is very much needed. When can we exepct this feature to be released?
This is a feature we would very like to see
This is something we are very interested in.
Is there some type of expected release date of this request?
I very much support this as with us having used a JIRA integration, we've made a couple of decisions that encouraged us to link requirements to JIRA tickets.