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When an idea has been promoted to an Initiative, allow the initiative status to drive the idea status.

Similar to how when an idea is promoted to a feature, the feature status can drive the idea status in the portal. Allow a similar status mapping to exist between initiatives and ideas.
Justin Woods over 8 years ago in Ideas 4 Already exists

Count Logged Hours for JIRA Story and Task Children

Currently the "logged hours" component in Aha reports displays the hours logged against the parent feature or requirement mapped to JIRA. ie; If Aha requirements are mapped to JIRA stories, then Aha pulls in the hours logged against all mapped JI...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Ability to archive products or product lines

Would it be possible to have the ability to archive products or product lines once we are complete with a project say after 6 months rather than delete it? Main reason is as we progress the number of products/product lines is getting to be excessi...
Guest about 9 years ago in Account settings 4 Already exists

Features under an initiative are not in order by status or release

In this view it shows features alpha ordered. It would be helpful to see what releases they are in or by status.
J. Mile over 9 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Allow for Proxy voting by only Employee/Partner emails/users

The new proxy voting is something that our sales/services teams have asked for but not something that we can implement at this time. It seems that when turning the feature on any users with access to the private portal (for us this is all of our c...
Jon Kremer almost 5 years ago in Ideas 8 Already exists

Last Modified by or Last updated by is not avaialble

Last modified by or last updated by at feature level is not available to pull in the report, I see only created by. If this can be added and made available it will help, especially when we troubleshoot integration, system to system comparison of f...
Sasi Ravichandar over 5 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Allow users to modify the AHA visualforce pages in Salesforce integration

The AHA window size in the visualforce pages is so small and users have to scroll to view the entire list of ideas related to an Account/Case/Opportunity. It would be great if we can customize the AHA layout in Salesforce(adjust the height of the ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Salesforce 1 Already exists

Copy/clone from master release template

We use master releases in Aha! since all products are shipped in one package. I set up a master release called template but I can't copy from it because you can only copy a release (not a master release).
Guest almost 8 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Show uploaded videos in lightbox

We sometimes upload short videos to demonstrate errant behaviour in bug reports. It would be good if we could show these in a lightbox or similar (as images are handled now) within the feature, rather than having to download and then play them loc...
Andrew Weeks over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

When sending a Feature to JIRA, automatically move the new JIRA epic/story into the JIRA project's Backlog

When we sync Aha! Features into JIRA, we're ready to begin planning sprints that will include the resulting JIRA epics/stories. Extend the JIRA integration so when new epics/stories are created from Aha!, automatically move them into the JIRA proj...
Guest over 10 years ago in Jira 1 Already exists