It would be good if the product name, as well as the release information, could be shown on the portfolio roadmap when hovering over the release marker. Currently, multiple products are distinguished by colour however there is no key and 5+ produc...
Allow the format of the Portfolio Roadmaps be used for other strategic roadmaps
There is a desire to create strategic roadmaps within Aha, but the views are very "Gant Chart" style/format. The Portfolio roadmap view is visually appealing, but it seems to only allow me to use that view with releases on a roadmap. It seems like...
We use aha for both short term and long term planning. For long-term planning (3-5years), the current granularity of "Release quarter" adds confusion and clutter to our stakeholders when reporting.
Please add "release year" as an available column ...
Jørgen Binningsbø
over 7 years ago
in Roadmaps
Hide Features label in Feature Roadmap when no Feature is chosen
When you select no Features for display in the Features Roadmap, you are left with a Features Heading and an empty box. It would be great to have both of them disappear when you don't select any features.
Customised text formatting for sharing roadmaps (or at least larger font sizing).
Very happy with the web presentation of roadmaps in notebooks, however we still need to print them effectively in some circumstances. Also would be valuable to be able to fit to one page. The ability to change text size when exporting to a specifi...
It would make the Starter roadmap much clear to read when you could show the Master features in Releases instead of individual features. So please add possibility to display also the Master releases
Update + Existing Features behavior on Releases Overview to be consistent with other Options for adding Features to this view
There are a couple of different ways of adding features to the Releases -> Overview/Roadmap views. The different approach have different behavior and the behavior for one of the methods is quite disruptive to the schedule. The scenarios apply w...
It would be really useful if on the starter roadmap view that you could make features use their status colour coding. Currently all features are a single colour, so there is no way to show progress on the items. Using the standard colour coding wo...
John Biltcliffe
almost 8 years ago
in Roadmaps
Ability to create release phases and milestones which automatically use business days
For example, this would allow me to create week-long phases which would be 5 days (and not 7 days). A milestone would also automatically be populated on the first business day available.
Related to this, I would like to be able to create templates...