Add Table-Templates to support Build-Measure-Learn-Documentation
A thing thats missing in Aha! is the support of the Lean Startup Build-Measure-Learn-Feedback-Loop. The most lean way I could think of integrating this is to add a tables as templates, so you can build your own version of this https://digitaleneuo...
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
For developing systems that integrate with Aha.
It would be really useful to query the Rest services for a particular Aha object to determine what fields are required to create or update that object. That way validation can be performed programmat...
Tim McCaskill
almost 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
I’m trying to create a report showing the releases and constituent features released last month – which automatically updates as each month passes.
I’m using a pivot report and have added a filter field called Release release date which allows m...
Dave Tucker
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
This is a great feature in Trello, if i have a list of multiple lines in word or excel; when copy and paste into Trello it asks (do you want to create multiple lines?) - this would be perfect for updating to-do's and for requirements lists...
Andrew Pearson
almost 6 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Improved error message on incorrect JIRA record type link
Using the JIRA 2.0 integration, if you try to link to an existing record type that is not mapped in the integration config, the error message is very unhelpful. It just says "system error - contact Aha support if this persists" (or something like ...
Mat Wood
almost 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
We have segmented client groups that consist of about 15 client representatives in each group. We have a process where we always review ideas with the members within that group. When scheduling an empathy session, it won't be applicable for us to ...
One thing that I think is not possible atm but could be nice to have, would be if the assignee could be shown on each feature on the Roadmap Timeline, e.g. by a small picture/avatar like it is done in JIRA. This would give a good overview of who i...
Suzanne Vaughan
almost 10 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Please allow me to use 'calculated fields' in non-List report types. There's a great many times I want to report on derived data of some kind, however right now I can only use calculated fields in "List" reports. For example, I want to make a pie ...
Haddon Fisher
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
When a report is put into a dashboard or deck, it should intelligently expand and contract to nicely fit the allotted space like any normal responsive web element. Right now, there is no way to make embedded reports look good for two people not on...
Haddon Fisher
almost 4 years ago
in Presentations / Reports
Future consideration