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Ability to have the 'Create a copy' option maintained when copying a dashboard

What is the challenge? I have a template dashboard where I have unchecked the 'Create a copy' box to I can maintain a single copy of the reports in the dashboard. When I make a copy of the dashboard template, the 'Create a copy' setting is lost in...
Cheryl Hatos about 2 months ago in Reports 0 Likely to implement

Consider work done in parallel planning calculation for capacity utilization

What is the challenge? Currently, if you are using sequential planning then the calculation is (done + planned + over) / capacity. If you are using parallel planning then the calculation is (planned + over) / capacity. What is the impact? Describe...
Peter Whisenant 27 days ago in Capacity planning 0 Likely to implement

Allow to-do's to be moved to iteration records

Who would benefit? Develop users What impact would it make? Currently users are able to move to-do records to all other roadmap record types (goals, releases, epics, features, etc), but not iterations. Iterations already support to-do's so this wo...
Brittany Rhoney 2 months ago in To-dos 0 Likely to implement

Sync Roadmaps data to whiteboards

Use case: I want to convey early ideas and plans in a whiteboard and then sync my whiteboard objects as real Roadmaps data to keep them up to date. Idea: Allow the option to sync Roadmaps data to and from a whiteboard.
Julie Price about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 3 Likely to implement

Aha will not direct the user to the last epic prioritization page they were on.

What is the challenge? Aha will always direct the user to the last tab they were on. For other view/page like workflow, board or details under feature, it works. But not for prioritization page. Users get confused since Aha can't direct them to ep...
Ashton Tsou 2 months ago in Epic 0 Likely to implement

Initiatives prioritization should show archived record if it has the right filters

What is the challenge? Initiatives with archived timeframes are being hidden from view As a result, my initiatives prioritization view is incomplete. How would you solve it? Initiatives with archived timeframes should show in the list What impact ...
José Guerrero 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Likely to implement

Support mapping Ideas Category custom field through integrations

Who would benefit? Customers who want to send Idea Category information across their integration to their development team. What impact would it make? When customer adds ideas category field as a custom field to their records (i.e. epic, feature),...
Ashley Tierney 4 months ago in Integrations 2 Likely to implement

Add API support to configure number of seats in a paid seat group

Who would benefit? Enterprise+ customers utilizing paid seat groups What impact would it make? Today, paid seat groups can only be managed within the UI. For teams with large user bases, it would be more efficient to be able to modify the number o...
Reilly O'Connor 2 months ago in API 0 Likely to implement

Ability to send private comments to idea submitter

Currently, there is no way to respond to an idea submitter privately via comments as an administrator. Additionally, it would be helpful if this private comment could trigger a notification to the submitter.
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Likely to implement

Allow Workspace Owners to import users in bulk

Who would benefit? Workspace Owners who are not admins What impact would it make? Workspace owners who are trying to invite several users to their workspace--allowing them to import in bulk increases efficiency so they don't have to add these user...
Stephanie Lechner 6 months ago in Account settings 0 Likely to implement