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BitBucket extension for Aha! Develop

Much like the Github extension for Aha! Develop, it would be very helpful to have an extension into BitBucket to view the statuses of PRs.
Madeleine Black over 2 years ago in Extensions / Wanted 2 Shipped

Expand/Collapse Status Columns in Develop Work flow Board

Please consider adding the ability to expand and collapse status on the columns in Develop Work flow Board. Doing so will eliminate the need to scroll when columns are blank or irrelevant.
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow boards 0 Shipped

Allow users to arrange fields into groups in custom layouts

It would be great if I could make custom layouts more usable by arranging fields into groups or sections with a clearly visible heading. As it is today, work items have a long list of fields that are hard to use. There's a lot of cognitive load ha...
Guest over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Don't have Reply-To of "Digest" emails open a customer support ticket

When I get an email from the "Digest" and reply to it, I was surprised to discover this makes an Aha! customer support ticket. I thought I was getting a notification of a new idea, so replied with "OK - thanks - we will review this and add to the ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

workflow_status history through REST API

as a data architect I need to plot the history of the workflow_status for ideas. I need to be able to retrieve a reliable, accurate history of workflow_status changes with start/end datetime for each idea. This data enables us to track ideas which...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Notify the appropriate users when they need to evaluate a work request

Work requests are a great new feature, and it's great that they can be assigned to workspaces. However, there needs to be a way for the appropriate users to be notified that there is a new workspace that needs their attention.
Mark Eaves almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Add support for work requests within Automations

Work requests are a great way for us to request work from multiple product teams that might play a role in our launches. There currently isn't a way to include work requests in automation rules. There are a couple use case we would need: 1) Abilit...
Mark Eaves almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

External Knowledge Base

As Aha expands its footprint in the Product Management and Development arena, it has established itself as the source of truth for all product information. One area that could be expanded upon is a knowledge base solution to manage user guides and...
Zach Novak almost 3 years ago in Application 1 Shipped

Support extension contributions for the text editor

Challenge: I want to be able to generate graphs directly in the documentation. I typically use mermaid.js for this, but I don't want to have to copy generated images into the docs. Desired experience: I want to be able to extend the text area so I...
Jeff Tucker about 3 years ago in  0 Shipped

View strategy model details in the details drawer

When adding strategic model data into a report, selecting the model name opens a details drawer which does not include any of the text components that are part of that model. There is not an easy way of then navigating from that drawer to the stra...
Madeleine Black about 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped