Need to generate a sensitive real-time report that only specific individuals have access to. Not access by product (to inclusive) and not by password (as that can be shared).
Laura Giles
about 6 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
See epics, features, and requirements on the Workflow/Kanban Board at same time
Being able to the track and manage epics, features, and requirements on the workflow/kanban board at the same time would be a huge productivity gain for our teams. We constantly have folks who forget to update the status of an epic or requirements...
about 6 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
We have initiatives at the company level that represent large investments across multiple products. We'd like to be able to associate this initiative directly to saved reports that are associated so that we can centralize & standardize the ent...
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Convert spaces to underscores in Aha! tags so JIRA can create labels
Aha! tags can be synced to JIRA labels, but only if there are no spaces in the Aha! tag. Can Aha! replace any spaces in a tag with an underscore when sending the data to Jira, so that JIRA doesn't send back an error message?
Suzanne Vaughan
about 9 years ago
Will not implement
Add warning text to Custom field Key field description that changing the key value will break integration
We found that changing the key-field string of a custom field will break existing integrations with ADO where the custom field is synced to an ADO field. There is no warning or anything. This is a big risk to us and to the trust that integration r...
Provide link to objects using a specific status when trying to delete them
I'm finalizing the feature statuses in Aha and want to delete a specific one but unable to do so bc Status cannot be deleted because it is in use by some records . I've tried creating list reports for epics/features/requirements that have this sta...
about 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Update Original “Feature Created By” to Current Release owner
Whena new release is created, all the associated features are also included (by the original release creator ). However, when you re-assign the Release Owner drop down to another person, the “Feature Created By” is not automatically updated.
We ...
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
When looking at an email on iOS, if I click on an aha link in the email, I'm taken to the browser to log in to the web version of Aha. I would rather be taken to the item within the Aha app, since it has a much better reading experience than the n...
over 4 years ago
in Mobile
Future consideration
Automatic reminders to Idea Submitters who have Ideas "kicked back" to them
When reviewing Ideas, our team sometimes "kicks back" an Idea with the status "Needs More Information from Requester" while also including necessary comments in the Comments box. We often have to follow up with these submitters but reviewing them ...
Paolo Espanola
over 7 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration