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Display prefix/suffix in pivot aggregations when there is a consistent definition

I created a pivot report with just a single numeric value in each cell. My field has a $ prefix. When the pivot cells are displaying the 'list' or 'list unique' options, I see the $ prefix in my pivot output. When I change the pivot to aggregate s...
Russell Glenn about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Allow related record links to persist when records are converted

Currently when you convert a record (ex. Feature to Master Feature), all record links are severed. It makes sense to sever the link to parent/child records, but links like "relates to" and "depends on" would still be relevant even if the record is...
Nathaniel Collum over 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Ability to set a default sorting for all releases

In addition to the "re-rank features by" status within the individual releases, there should be the ability to set a DEFAULT ranking of features within a release for all releases, for example, by status, so that all new releases added would have t...
Guest over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Following a release should provide notification on changes to scope.

We have platform and product teams, our product roadmaps are fairly dependant on the platform roadmap. As a product manager I follow the platform releases, but I'm only notified of changes to status or date, I also need to be notified of changes i...
Ryan Thiessen almost 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Already exists

Recover deleted note and whiteboard templates

Currently, deleted notes and whiteboard appear in the recycle bin which is great! Though deleted templates for notes/whiteboards do not appear in the recycle bin. It would be helpful to recover these templates when accidentally deleted.
Guest about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Dependency Lines on Whiteboard are glitchy

Who would benefit? People using whiteboards for PI planning What impact would it make? It's just glitchy - it worked this morning and now I can't seem to get any dependent lines showing up How should it work? It should turn on - that would be nice!
Guest about 1 year ago in Dependencies 0 Will not implement

Rename release theme to release description

This would make it more clear when setting up reports, etc.
John McDonald over 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Create Folders in the "attach documents" section on each project

Hi, I'm a big one for attaching documents to my projects. Some projects are starting to look a little messy now with the number of files attached. It would be good to be able to create folders to store the files in i.e. a folder for gate 1 and ano...
Guest about 9 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

Auto-update Feature status on Release

When a Release is made, all Features within that Release should be updated to 'Shipped' (or equivalent custom status). This will keep things in sync and reduce admin.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Set default scorecards when creating new products

Me and my team would really benefit from having the opportunity to set our own scorecard as the default scorecard when creating a new product. Many of us can create new products and the chance is big that someone miss to change the scorecard after...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration