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Idea portal comment review process - comments set to invisible until approved

Who would benefit? Aha Admins What impact would it make? Improved compliance with public comment standards How should it work? When a user submits a comment, have it set to invisible until an Aha Admin "accepts" the comment. In that review process...
Angela Frey 11 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Send email to user when their comment is deleted

Who would benefit? Aha Admins and Requesters What impact would it make? Enable productive dialog when inappropriate comments are posted How should it work? Whan an Aha Admin clicks "delete" on a comment, the confirmation dialog should include a te...
Angela Frey 11 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow bulk edit of a workspace custom fields that aren't on a workspace's layout from a list report

Who would benefit? Admins, workspace owners What impact would it make? It would make changes to values of custom fields so much faster. How should it work? It should work exactly like the current bulk edit option does, but the list of fields that ...
David I. 11 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Include linked ideas promoted to stories in workflow automation

Who would benefit? Anyone who promotes ideas to features What impact would it make? help automatically set feature type and automate portfolio segmentation in a less manual way How should it work When an ideas is promoted to a feature, allow the f...
Guest 11 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Automation rule to trigger a To-Do based on “Complete by date” custom field

Who would benefit? Management What impact would it make? Timeliness completion of releases How should it work? The rule would trigger a To-do for the owner on the date shown in the 'Complete by date' custom field rather than the fixed amount of da...
Guest 11 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Custom order of workspace in Ideas Portal

Hello, In addition to already implementing this feature (which I am not in conflict with), can you also add an option to allow users reorder the workspaces to the order they deem important? Workspaces in our business have different orders of impor...
Todd Materazzi almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Slow performance in EU

Half of our country is in EU-Central, and drilling down on ticket details shows a spinner for about 1-10 seconds, which inhibits productivity. Would like for it to be as responsive in EU as it is in US.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 2 Already exists

Enable fixed position of initiative on the chart based on Effort and Value inputs

At the moment the initiatives can be moved manually around the chart, no constraints. It would be very useful to have "enable a fixed positioning" option. For that to work, each initiative should have "mandatory value" and "mandatory effort" numer...
Guest over 6 years ago in Strategy 2 Future consideration

be notified in Aha! when an item is deleted in Rally

We are creating connection between Aha! and Rally records. It may happen that record are moved in different Rally project or may be deleted. But there is no way to have such information in the Aha! record. Today the integration between the 2 items...
Guest over 5 years ago in Rally 2 Future consideration

Filter out Shipped Ideas using the integration to search ideas through Salesforce

Who would benefit? Sales/Field teams What impact would it make? Significant. How should it work? As an admin, I want to filter out ideas with a specific status from the search ideas through SalesForce integration. This will make it easier for the ...
Amelia Peklar 11 months ago in Salesforce 1 Already exists