Show multiple releases and percentages on Chart reports
I would like to view multiple product releases when creating a Chart (for both Pie and Bar). The goal is to list out each releases displayed with their percentage on one pie or bar chart report.
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Add functionality to workflow to change states based on fields
There are certain fields that we would like to have populated before an Initiative can move from one state to another (however, it is not required upon entry or not known upon new entry of an Initiative). Therefore, as the Initiative progresses vi...
Elaine Edwards
about 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Preserve formatting of reports when generating as a PDF
When generating a Notebook in PDF, tables (column spacing, etc.) don't format in the same manner as they do onscreen. The columns appear to all default to even spacing which makes reports harder to consume.
Matt Case
almost 8 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Related to &, when merging ideas, there should be a way to merge the proxy votes for an organization. Content from the description should be expanded so that it ...
Melissa Crawford
about 2 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Related to If we enable the workflow where only one proxy vote could be added per organization, then, ideally, we could also add permissions for specific individuals accessing the portal to get visibility i...
Melissa Crawford
about 2 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Aha! Roadmaps currently supports integrations to and from Slack to streamline the flow of information. Aha! Develop does not have access to the Slack integration(s) What is the impact? This limits information flow and collab...
Dale Potter
almost 3 years ago
Future consideration
Ideas 2x2 chart: Scorecard with multiple metrics summed to make up x and y axis
I have begun using the idea chart in AHA to map the value/effort of our ideas but I had wanted to take it a little further and have a number of criteria in our score card which added up to a total value figure, which may then be displayed as one a...
Chris Waters
over 9 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Auto disable Users when their Okta account is disabled
What is the challenge? When users leave the company and their Okta accounts are disable, their Aha user accounts remain active What is the impact? This impacts our available user license count in Aha Describe your idea Improve the Okta integration...