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Add Ability to not send a specific release to Rally on Master Feature or Feature

Rally has a concept of Backlog where the Release is set as 'Unscheduled'. But there is no way in Aha! to assign a Master Feature or Feature to something like 'Unscheduled' so that the Release information does not get populated in Rally. We want to...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Ability to map to "No entry" status in Rally

It is possible for a status in Rally to have a "No-Entry" value but you are not able to map to this in the integrations. In a use case where a record is created in Rally and does not have a status set (i.e. it is set to "No-Entry"), when you link...
Madeleine Black almost 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Rally integration at task level

In Rally, Features have a release assigned to them, but each user story from that feature will have it's own release assignment as well. Tasks added to a user story will always follow the release from the user story. In Aha, Features have a releas...
Moises Cora about 6 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Integrate Aha Program Increment (PI) custom field with Rally Release field

Today in Rally, following an orthodox SAFe Portfolio model, we organize our work based on Product Increment (PI) intervals that include four(4) two week sprints and on two week sprint for Innovation and planning. Every ten weeks we hold another PI...
Guest over 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Integrations Update Window- Rules & Scheduling Ability

We need the ability to set rules for the integrations update window (found in the settings gear) to specify what types of records we would like to import and when. This would allow for scheduled imports and filters on data attributes (such as stat...
Guest over 6 years ago in Rally 4 Future consideration

Include Rally IDs in Master Feature Search criteria

On the Master Features Board page in Aha, there is a filter called "Master Feature Search" that I use to find a particular master feature very quickly. The Master Features show the Rally integration number (e.g. EP1234) but you cannot search on th...
Dan Eisenhut over 6 years ago in Rally 0 Already exists

Rally Integration options need "pull all fields"

When looking at the details of a feature or master feature under Integrations, there are options for "Delete Link" and "Resend All Fields". But what if the fields that need to be sync'd were changed on remote system (e.g. Rally) and I need to re-s...
Dan Eisenhut over 6 years ago in Rally 4 Already exists

Push features to Rally as unassigned

Stories that are pushed to Rally from the Aha Parking Lot are creating a release in Rally titled Parking Lot. I would like to see these user stories not be assigned to a release in Rally, that way they will be be displayed on the backlog.
Jason Day over 6 years ago in Rally 2 Already exists

Provide Rally User name in Notification Updates

When a change is made in Rally, the Notification message always states that the user whose account is used for the integration to Rally is the one that made the change. This is not useful. Therefore I request that the name of the user in Rally who...
Dan Eisenhut almost 7 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration

Rally Integration Support for Deleted Features

As features are being updated in Rally by development team, a feature can get deleted in Rally for a variety of reasons. When this occurs, the corresponding feature in Aha does not get deleted automatically. Instead it remains in Aha without any i...
Dan Eisenhut almost 7 years ago in Rally 1 Future consideration