I'd love to be able to highlight a line of text in a field formatted as a note (description/comment etc) and create a to-do (or even a story/requirement/approval/work request with the highlighted text as the title of the task. It would also be gre...
Nerissa Muijs
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
I find that I often forget to check the to-do off on the date that the task was actually completed, but then it logs it as if I had completed the task 3 days late (for example). I'm currently getting around this somewhat by commenting on the to-do...
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Sometimes I accidentally create a to-do when I mean to create an approval. I'd love the ability to change it. It looks like my only option today is to delete it.
almost 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? WHen our UX team surface findings in their research they do so as a Work Request for that finding. As product we then need to review the request and if we feel it has merit, we can surface it for prioritization. However, oft...
Christopher L
5 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Ability to associate ToDo items to workspace (not the Initiative/Epic/Feature)
Who would benefit? Product Managers and PM Leaders What impact would it make? Allow us to get more value out of Aha! by using Aha! ToDos for regular activities required of a team How should it work? Allow a ToDo record to be created as a child of ...
10 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Who would benefit? All Aha users. What impact would it make? In my specific use case we have started adding to-do automation for the assignee when an idea changes status to remind them to update the admin note on the idea. When this happens a to-d...
Jerimiah Rudden
about 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
If there are a number of to-dos (work requests specifically) that I know I will approve all of them, there should be a way to "bulk" accept and approve all the to-dos to create the new records. This would save time for our product managers
Danielle Martinez
about 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
My team uses to-dos to track non-development/engineering tasks that need to completed. We'd love to filter to-dos in a list report by the associated record, so we can look at the to-dos specifically on initiatives, releases, epics, etc. to match t...
David I.
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration