I would like to be able to create automation linked to "to do" or "approval" tasks. There's two use cases for us. First, I'd like to automatically change the status of a feature or epic once all to dos are completed or all approval replied in the ...
Dael Jackson
almost 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Who would benefit? admins who need to create structured approvals, anyone who needs to create many approvals What impact would it make? save time and align functionality of the tool How should it work? in the same way that to-do's can be uploaded,...
8 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? WHen our UX team surface findings in their research they do so as a Work Request for that finding. As product we then need to review the request and if we feel it has merit, we can surface it for prioritization. However, oft...
Christopher L
3 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Using bulk edit to removed "assigned to" from the to-dos
I want to bulk edit to make the "Assigned to" as Unassigned. Since I'm the creator, the current bulk edit won't let me do that. Instead, it adds my name to all the to-dos.
almost 6 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
I'd love to be able to highlight a line of text in a field formatted as a note (description/comment etc) and create a to-do (or even a story/requirement/approval/work request with the highlighted text as the title of the task. It would also be gre...
Nerissa Muijs
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Ability to associate ToDo items to workspace (not the Initiative/Epic/Feature)
Who would benefit? Product Managers and PM Leaders What impact would it make? Allow us to get more value out of Aha! by using Aha! ToDos for regular activities required of a team How should it work? Allow a ToDo record to be created as a child of ...
8 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Conceptually, a to-do on a feature having a record link is no different from a requirement on a feature having a record link. The to-do could be blocked by or block any other record, it could depend on or be depended on. Sev...
Steve Dagless
4 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration