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Automatic notifications when a release becomes/remains overdue

We spend hours each month chasing down product managers whose releases have slipped. We would love to see a notification that would go to them when their release becomes overdue and that same notification continue to go to them as long as it remai...
Liz Owens over 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add updated by as option for automation

The ability to trigger automations based on who (or who is not) updating an item would be useful. For example, sending email on Idea update only if not updated by specific users (such as those in the team processing ideas)
Martin B over 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Selecting an image comment should jump to that part of the image

This comes up a lot for me when we have longer images (like mockups of webpage) with many comments that are randomly numbered all over the image based on when they were added. When I click on the number on the image itself, the comments panel jump...
Nathaniel Collum over 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add customization for To-Do notifications

We have set up a workflow, that is fairly complex and has a lot of approval To-Do's. Every time, someone else pushes an idea forward, I get one email for each of the To-Do's I have been assigned. This generally are 4-8 for most steps. Getting that...
Julius Schneider almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Email notifications alluding to the subject of the item not just the person

Right now, email notifications are presented in a "such-and-such created a to-do", this gives you no indication of what the to do is or why it is relevant, and thus makes it hard to separate the chaff from the wheat of Aha notifications
Guest almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Unsubscribe from emails that I have filed an idea

I am using UserZoom. UserZoom is using AHA! for idea management. Whenever I file an idea, I receive an email message telling me that I have filed an idea. I understand that some people might want this. I don't. I am wasting time handling such mess...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Receive comment mention notifications immediately but all other notifications in batch

Notification preferences are currently fairly course-grained. I do not need to receive up-to-the-minute notifications about status changes, description field changes, etc. but I would like to receive instant notifications when I am mentioned (e.g....
Alia Connor almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Add comment date field so I can view a feed of comments by requirement in order of recency

My team uses comments to track updates on requirements, and a lot of the requirements take a long time to complete, so it's hard for me to pull a report that really demonstrates my progress when some weeks I don't even complete any requirements, I...
Guest about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 3 Future consideration

Sort Notifications from oldest to newest

It would be nice to be able to sort Notifications from oldest to newest so that I can catch up on progress chronologically. Currently I have to go to the last page and work my way forward.
Leigh B about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Feature Comments - most recent without Name and Date

Most recent comments are helpful in reporting status, However it my not be important who made the comment and when. If you add a new field selection without the Name and Date I can produce a cleaner, more meaningful reports. Also the last comment ...
Frank Fuchs about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Future consideration