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Showing 187 of 9170

Support markdown

What is the challenge? Not supporting md makes it more difficult to edit comments, wiki articles etc. What is the impact? I write up all my docs in MD but then if I want to transcribe them into this platform I need to do weird voodoo to have it lo...
Guest 9 months ago in Comments / Notifications / Features 0 Future consideration

Remember the people I most frequently or recently @mention

I tend to @mention the same group of teammates in Aha! — I wish that the application would pull those names up first instead of going alphabetical.
Molly Jane Quinn over 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Rename lifecycle email setting

On a user's notification preferences screen, there is a setting for "Stop receiving lifecycle emails". It would be more clear to call this "Stop receiving onboarding emails" or add helper text below it to explain what these emails are.
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

More granular notification control at the entity level (e.g. ideas vs features vs requirements)

Hello, We would like to have the granular notification control that you've rolled out at the product level (e.g. none, instantly, hourly, daily, etc.) to be extended to the *entity* level (e.g. ideas vs features vs requirements) so that you can ha...
Mark D over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Will not implement

Allowing Aha Admin and/or Product line owner to disable Notifications for all users within a product

Our team fully utilizes Jira/Aha together in a single integration. Jira is the source of truth for all cards however as the Product matures periodic maintenance is required to do bulk updates and sometimes complete delete and restore of Aha cards ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Product Line level Weekly Summary email

Our team would like to have a Weekly Email like you can get for each product, but in the Product Line rollup level. This weekly cadence is better for our needs than hourly or daily options present for these products. Right now, we are sending r...
Guest over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Unlikely to implement

Ability to view pending To-Do's directly on Aha! Cards.

I do not see the option to add an indicator of pedning our outstanding To-Do items on cards such as pending Approvals, or Work Requests
Omar Almodovar over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Email body table

What is the challenge? Hard to read these emails I get about updates. See attached screenshot What is the impact? Makes the email useless, I tend to ignore these now Describe your idea UI update on formation for this type of update?
Guest 11 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

@mentions send notifications but do not subscribe user as a watcher

We often like to @mention users on different issues to get their attention to a specific item, but they don't want to be subscribed to the firehose of updates that come after that. Requesting a way to @mention someone without making them a watcher.
Christopher Rozon almost 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Allow for developer notes/private comments in Feature Cards; only viewed by owners and those working the feature cards

There are conversations our team would like to contain with in a Feature Cards that are only viewed by our team members.
Carolee Snarr over 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Features 1 Unlikely to implement