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Account settings

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Control which fields a Develop user can update in a record in a Roadmaps workspace

Currently when an Aha! Roadmaps record is assigned to a Develop team that gives anyone with contributor permissions in the Develop team access to edit any field on the record (even those in the Roadmaps layout). I'd like a way to control this more...
Erin Ward almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 1 Future consideration

Bulk update workflows in products

Sometimes PMs want to share a workflow to ensure that we are consistent and on-brand. It would be nice for product owners to be able to bulk update the workflows for ideas/idea portals/etc. instead of having to do so portal by portal.
Yancey Larochelle-Williams almost 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Change the prefix of a Team

Workspaces allow users to update/change the name AND the prefix. Similar for a Team I would like to change the prefix of the team. right now the only work around is to delete the team and rebuild everything.
DataGuy almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 0 Future consideration

CSV import template: Please provide all default fields in the CSV template

When I go to do an import, I review the ‘What Fields Can I Import?’ function, and more often than not I download the Example CSV file. The issue is that the Example CSV file does NOT contain all the fields that are available to import. This is a b...
Joe Carpenter about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Activity Log Enhancements

Currently, it's difficult to determine which fields/content is included when using the Search feature of the Activity Log. It also seems like there's a lot of content not included when performing a keyword search. I don't see any online help conte...
Brian Cunningham over 6 years ago in Account settings 2 Future consideration

Ability to count using automations

I'd like the ability to count the number of times a date moves - seems like this whould be pretty straightforward to do with automations, but there's no 'increment' option, or value + 1, or similar
Gilly Dekel almost 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Restrict license allocation to paid seat groups, not accounts

It's ridiculous to have "paid seat groups" and allocate those licenses to other psg's within the account. Licenses limits should be observed strictly within each psg. I've lost seats for my group without my consent simply because they've over-allo...
Guest over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to list users who are using API Keys

What is the challenge? Users have generated API Keys to update Aha and the Account Admins would like to know which users are using API Keys. What is the impact? How can we know who is updating using an API and understanding where the API is used t...
Mike Jacobson 9 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Four Quadrant Charts using Two Scorecards

This is for the Strategic Initiative Four Quadrant Chart. In a typical 4 quadrant chart there are two axis, I suggest using One Scorecard per Axis. Example: The Y Axis is Value and the Value Scorecard can have many contributing factors such ...
David Main almost 7 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Enable rich formatting for new user / welcome to Aha! email

Please enable text formatting so that new user emails will support bulleted lists, hyperlinks, etc. As we expand implementation and use, ability to share helpful links/resources in the system generated welcome email (in a visually appealling way) ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration