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User management

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Bulk Delete Users

Currently we need to delete 1200 users that are inactive. Taking on this endeavor 1 by 1 is timestaking and tedious. Would be great if we could bulk delete. There could be multiple ways to verify this is correct to ensure that no one could uninten...
Shawna Wilson about 4 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Forgotten password option on Ideas Portal

Please add a forgotten password option to the Ideas Portal login page; so that users can self serve for password resets. If a user has been issued an invite, but not set a password, the link should also re-issue the invite / allow them to create p...
Mark Evans over 5 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Allow users to collapse Ideas Portal Introduction

One of our customers has suggested that the introduction to our Ideas portals (contained within the portal settings -> Overview Tab -> General section -> Subtitle field) be collapsible or otherwise be able to be hidden after the first vie...
Guest over 3 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Allow Reviewers to receive notifications when new ideas are added to an idea portal

Currently, an Admin can add a Reviewer as a Watcher to any new ideas shared in an idea portal. To eliminate the need for this, allow a user to update their notification preferences to include newly submitted ideas in a portal. Even further, allow ...
Jeff Whitney almost 5 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Reviewer role should not be able to change idea status

There is a good use case documented for Reviewers to be able to edit ideas they've submitted in an ideas portal ( However, allowing them to change the Status of that idea is not a good idea. This is and s...
Michael Tucker almost 5 years ago in User management 1 Future consideration

Allow users to choose the default ideas view

When a user logs in, the default view of ideas is 'trending' and we have users who would like to be able to change the default to recent so they can keep up to date with what has been recently logged
Sophie Ramsden about 4 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Make the JWT claims OIDC conformant

The first_name and last_name claims required by Aha! are not OIDC conformant, leading to duplicate information in previously conformant JWT tokens. This increases the size of tokens. This can also make it harder to use a common token for Aha! and ...
Guest over 4 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Add in API endpoint for SSO logout

I'm currently using Aha as the ideas portal for all of our users and am automatically signing them in with SSO/JWT when they access the idea portal page. This works great! However, I noted that, per the JWT help article here, that signout requires...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas / User management 1 Future consideration

Allow user to be deleted through API

Currently user can be only disabled through API. however there is no way to delete users from the portal no matter if they are disabled or enabled. Please add Delete option in the api for the user object.
Guest about 8 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Option to remain anonymous when submitting an Idea

The current settings in 'Configure Portals' reads ‘allow portal users to be anonymous’ however I’ve since confirmed that there isn’t an option to allow customer's to select this option if preferred. The selection of this box in the configuration m...
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 2 Already exists