Add the ability to combine fields with GitHub Integration
We need the ability to send more information from Aha to GitHub, this would include the Due Date. We need the ability to combine fields from Aha to a single GitHub Field. E.g. Send Title + Due Date in Aha to the Title Field in...
George Champlin-Scharff
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
Add integration with Aha! Features status to Github Org Project Columns as well
Firstly, this feature that map Aha! features status with github project boards is really pretty awesome but in my view needs a little improvements to really meet our needs. I'm talking about organization project boards on github.
Secondly, we have...
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
As a new client I setup the Github 2.0 integration and imported our existing issues as features.
I now have a large task of organising them all from the the parking lot and would find it easier and more intuitive if the IDs of the Aha! features wa...
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Will not implement
We use the Github integration for a few of our projects. I have it configured to import Features to Issues and Requirements to Issues.
It would be very helpful to exclude some records during the import process. For example, I recently sent a Featu...
over 6 years ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
Mockups are being sent to github as links, opening the image externally, instead of showing them directly in the issue. Prepending the link with an exclamation mark would show the mockup inside the github issue, a much useful approach.
Current mo...
about 7 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists
Update GitHub Repo mapping when Repos are moved or renamed
GitHub makes it easy to rename and/or move a repository to a new owner / organization. In the UI (and all git tools) it smoothly handles this for users, automatically redirecting you to the new location. As a result, people move projects on a fair...
George Champlin-Scharff
over 7 years ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
Fix Github Integration action buttons / support custom name
currently the github integration supports multiple repositories for a project, however I cannot distinguish between repositories in the action buttons , Use the repository name: Send to githuborg/reponame or support custom int...
Gabo Esquivel
almost 8 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists
Allow Relating Multiple Github repositories to a Single Product
This is how things works in reality for complex applications.
We have a very modular architecture for a product. ( micro services ). One product can have up 10 repositories. Even the simplest application would have frontend and backend repositorie...
Gabo Esquivel
almost 8 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists
When a feature is sent to Github that has images attached, can the images be shown inline rather than as links?
When I send a feature to Github that has images attached, the images show up in Github as links rather than inline which is how they would show up if I had created the feature in Github. It's easier and cleaner for our developers to see the images...
almost 8 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists
GitHub integration automatic log time upon linked issue completion
The intended use of GH integration is the following:
Create features in Aha
Push to GitHub as a handover of control to engineering
Updates in GitHub trigger status changed in Aha
This is a good start.
If control is passed to engineering to manag...
about 8 years ago
in GitHub
Already exists