Flag Feature/Story as had been deleted from integration
While I understand the desire to never delete a feature or story either in Aha or the integration partner (Jira in my case). I would like to see a feature that flags the deleted item in Aha as being removed. This would allow me to manually review ...
Kenny Burnham
over 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
"Make everything OK" button on feature that triggers insert/update/delete/move JIRA->AHA
Hello, it would be very helpful if in scenario, where aha records are linked to dev tool records (e.g. JIRA), there would be a possibility to trigger full record update for a single record. Example: integrations config: Features linked to Epics in...
Daniel Pokrývka
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
When creating Epics in Jira, they don't integrate into Aha. They will only integrate if you create child records under them that integrate into Aha. Epics need to be able to be integrated into Aha on their own.
about 2 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Please enable the ability to sync a release phase to an Epic in Jira. And also sync release phase To-Dos to tasks in Jira. Use Case: I have a release template with my release phase and associated to-dos. These to-dos are what govern my Jira tasks....
about 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Deleting a feature or requirement should delete the linked Jira issue(s)
When I delete a feature or a requirement in Aha!, I then have to go to Jira and delete the corresponding epic or story. Would love it if deleting a feature in Aha! deleted the linked epic in Jira and all stories for that epic. Likewise, deleting a...
over 10 years ago
in Jira
Will not implement
As a user, I want to embed ideas within Confluence so the idea status is automatically updated as the feature is being developed. My use case is as follows: A customer I am working with ran into a weird edge case. I document the workaround in Conf...
Amelia Peklar
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
When sending a Feature to JIRA, automatically move the new JIRA epic/story into the JIRA project's Backlog
When we sync Aha! Features into JIRA, we're ready to begin planning sprints that will include the resulting JIRA epics/stories. Extend the JIRA integration so when new epics/stories are created from Aha!, automatically move them into the JIRA proj...
Often there are items on a roadmap that do not require Engineering work. However when a release is sent to Jira (or over dev system) all the items under that release are also sent. This means that the down stream system can become full of items in...
Ann L
almost 3 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Copy integration mappings for records at the same hierarchy level
When configuring an integration between Aha! and a development tool, you decide what records in Aha! map to what records in the development tool and map the individual fields. It's common to have multiple record types in a development system at th...
Emily Yankush
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
If a comment is deleted in Jira, please delete that comment in Aha! also
Some comments are for testing purposes or are not correct. If we have decided to delete a comment from an epic or story in Jira, we would like it to be removed from the feature in Aha! as well.
Kelly Sebes
over 6 years ago
in Jira
Will not implement