Add API support for retrieving integration details (target JIRA project + server url for example)
Allow automation of integration setup from other tools. In my use case, the intent is to be able to validate/cross-check what is actually configured on the JIRA side (admin only) with what is expected/desired on the Aha side (various project team ...
about 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Our development team uses Collabnet and as much as I would like to convince them to use Jira I do not think that is a realistic possibility, so this is a request for Aha to integrate with Collabnet.
about 9 years ago
in Wanted
Will not implement
I'm not sure how much demand there would be for this, but I've had a need a few times for it so I'm going to suggest it. I would like to be able to limit automatic integration of new requirements if they are in a certain state, such as New. If a f...
On the Aha! Integration Updates screen for an Aha! to/from Jira Integration, I would like to see which releases and the status of what each of the items are for integration. Being offered these filters would allow me to select that before importin...
about 6 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
I can't get my Sprint to land in the right area, it winds up under main as another project instead of sprint under a project when structure is Main>Project>Sprint.
This tool is a great way to have delivery and product planned into one. The Aha! tool is a tremendous product in the sense of organizing and structuring the features and initiative of a product management team with the Agile mindset. Scrumdo takes...
Currently we only have ability to link the ticket to idea or to create idea in Aha!. But if the ticket already exists, we can not link it to existing feature or requirement.Or if we want to create directly feature or requirement, it is not possibl...
Mia Rucevic
over 9 years ago
in Integrations
Will not implement
Provide integration from Aha to HP Agile Manager - this would be a great linkage from Product/Program Management into Project Management and Engineering – at least for Agile managed projects.
over 9 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement