Who would it benefit? Product managers who take actions on proxy votes What is the challenge? Managing and updating proxy votes takes time to do manually today. One example: We would like to automatically populate the organization's ARR on our pro...
Ellie Good
over 2 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Who would benefit? End users accessing Ideas Portal. Customers showing only relevant ideas to end users. What impact would it make? It makes the users accessing the Ideas portal with ease. How should it work? Problem: we have 20+ products and the ...
Raghuraman Rajendran
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have multiple types of work request that come in to our teams. The Brand new Ideas, the request for additional support, Test Data Requests, Test Support Request, Security Request Support, Estimate only request. These requ...
Penny Gerstner
3 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow users to submit ideas in Public Portal without logging in
What is the challenge? Users must sign into an Aha account What is the impact? This causes confusion and users may not want to sign up for additional lists Describe your idea I want any user to be able to submit an idea without an account
6 months ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Ideas Portal Sort By Should Allow User To Sort By A Standard Or Custom Column Value And Configure Default
What is the challenge? Want to be able to have more direct control over the sort order ideas are shown in on the portal. What is the impact? This would provide a much more consistent view of the ideas in the portal. Describe your idea Specifically...
Eric Masur
3 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Ideas may have a lot of comments, but few votes What is the impact? Discussed ideas may seem controversial, but also seemingly of interest, but do not show high on any filter (except AHA-internally) Describe your idea Oftent...
Michael Scholze
7 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ideas portal form should have consistent treatment of text in dropdown fields
What is the challenge? The ideas portal add idea form has inconsistent styles for the text shown in dropdown fields. If there is no help text / description terminology, then the blank/default placeholder text is different depending on the field ty...
10 months ago
in Ideas portal
Likely to implement
What is the challenge? SSO to Idea Portal via SAML meeting our internal security standards. What is the impact? We are a core service provider and we allow both our employees and clients to access a private idea portal. We'd like to grant our empl...
Jordan C M
7 months ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Who would benefit? Aha Admins, IT teams What impact would it make? Simplify user management How should it work? Currently, if I have SSO on my idea portals then employees can access any portal that the SSO is connected to. I am not able to, say, a...
Angela Frey
about 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration