I was watching the https://support.aha.io/hc/en-us/articles/203987425-Getting-started-with-Aha- video. The background music is surprisingly intrusive and annoying and it would be nice to have the ability to switch it off
over 7 years ago
in Branding
Unlikely to implement
If you enter or paste a URL in the text box and then type a comma, the automatic hyperlinking includes the comma in the URL.
The automatic hyperlink should just include the URL and not the comma. Commas in an actual URL are very rare and should al...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Wildcards for email subdomains should include root domain in Idea portal whitelists
The recent functionality to enable wildcards for subdomains when specifying whitelisted email domains is helpful. However, it doesn't appear that when using the whilecard it includes the root domain. This means I still would need to have company.c...
almost 8 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
When you are on the main home page with all of the ideas listed please display the idea number. This is how a lot of my customers look for things and it would be easier for them when looking for and referencing information. Thanks!
-- see attach...
Stephen Morse
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Although the Ideas portal is simple and intuitive (in my mind), we're looking to create a world-class customer portal and have gotten feedback that users don't know what to do when they log into the ideas portal.
To help with engagement and adopti...
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Ideas portal to support single sign on for basic AD
We allow our partners to use single sign on. it allows them to get to zendesk, ftp site and other portals of ours.
We use Azure AD Basic for this which is free and internally that allows our employees single sign on for aha.
We would really like...
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement
Idea Submitter has the option to make his/her ideas restricted only to the core company team.
Add a checkmark to allow idea submitter to select if that idea should be open to the general audience or just to restricted teams, even internally to the company.
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
I have the ability to change the API keys when creating items, but I don't have that ability in the Customs Table section. My only option right now is to delete the table and re-create it. Not a huge deal but a nice to have.
Mike Irving
about 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists