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Ideas portal

Showing 682 of 9275

Configure status filter on ideas portal

I'd like to be able to configure the status filter on the ideas portal to hide other statuses by default. For example, I'd like to hide ideas with the will not implement status from the default list of ideas.
Erin Ward about 3 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Global feature to filter out internal votes displayed everywhere in Aha!, especially in the Ideas Portal

Our organization promises to review and take some action on any idea that receives over 25 votes. We don't count internal votes toward that total, but internal votes will push it over that threshold. The main problem is that the customers only see...
RICH O'FARRELL almost 2 years ago in Voting 4 Future consideration

Add identifing number to portal view of ideas list

Who would benefit? Portal users and Aha users What impact would it make? Easier reference to an idea How should it work? Add ability to show reference number for each idea. No behavior change for the software
Michelle Kish over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Show linked release information in ideas portal ahead of release

What is the challenge? Our stakeholders want to understand when their ideas may be released, and what release they are associated to. This would help with visibility and planning. What is the impact? without this, stakeholders may see a status of ...
Veronica Melin 10 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Allow customizing the Ideas Portal Emails From Address

Emails sent from the ideas portal have a From address of The from address should be customizable to be branded just like the reply-to address. If my company domain name is, I want to have the from email address be somet...
Guest about 9 years ago in Branding 13 Unlikely to implement

Customize email templates by idea status

Our team has multiple statuses for ideas. We would like the ability to send a customized email message based on that specific status. Currently Aha only has a "general" status notification email. We would like to extend this as our portal is setup...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Branding 8 Future consideration

Subscribe to status/admin updates, but not every comment

What is the challenge? I'm getting notifications about irrelevant comments for ideas that impact me What is the impact? Too much noise to signal; I end up unsubscribing which makes me miss any admin questions or status updates Describe your idea P...
Oesten Nelson about 2 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow Full Customization of Email Template

As I lead design + product at my company, I'd love to be able to have full control over the contents of the email templates that are sent via Aha. Currently the content is injected into what seems to be a pre-existing template and the large logo i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Branding 7 Future consideration

Hide Idea Categories From Portals

We have two portals, one for internal users and one for customers. The customer portal only needs a simple list of categories - no children categories. The customer portal is submit only. For the staff portal, after a product manager has looked at...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 9 Future consideration

Limit the number of proxy votes a single organization can add

Right now we're using proxy vote by organization to understand the number of client organizations that will benefit from an idea. However, because there is not a permission structure per organization sometimes multiple team members of the organiza...
Melissa Crawford over 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration