My portal users would like to see what has changed since they last came:
- What new ideas have been posted
- What comments on ideas you haven't
- What changes in status
Even though they did not follow the idea (for instance: you do not want to s...
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to select multiple Organizations for proxy voting on Ideas
It would increase efficiency for our customer facing teams to be able to quickly add proxy votes for multiple Organizations as part of adding proxy votes for Ideas.
Jeff Shaffer
about 3 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
I am working on a use case where I create a private ideas portal for each pre-release product that we have available which is accessible to a small group of customers through either a customer advisory board or beta program. For each one of these ...
Michael Weinberger
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow Portal Users to switch already posted comments to private
Who would benefit? Aha customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Allows employees to correct their mistake if they posted a public comment that should be private How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, allow port...
Angela Frey
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability for portal users to flag a comment as inappropriate
Who would benefit? Aha Customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Crowd-source moderation How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, a portal user should be able to flag a comment as inappropriate. This would then tr...
Angela Frey
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
We currently have 30+ ideas portals which all have the same config design, but different URLs for different products. When we need to make a change to an email template, or the HTML, or terminology - we need to manually update EACH portal which ta...
Julie Edwards
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Aha! Ideas Advanced customers utilizing custom ideas portal pages What impact would it make? Allow users engaging with an ideas portal to quickly link from one note to another How should it work? I would like to be able to add l...
Justin Waldorf
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal / Notes
Future consideration
We recently configured our ideas portal to send out a weekly summary. We only want our internal users to get this email. We've currently specified that only users with our domain can self-register. However we have additional portal users who come ...
Sara Hasson
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration