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Ideas portal

Showing 173

Change branding of voting

can we change the branding of voting, make the button a "Like" button or some other name?
Guest almost 10 years ago in Voting 0 Shipped

Ability to import votes from existing Ideation tool

We are converting from UserVoice and need to retain all data including number of votes on existing ideas.
Trit Mulligan about 10 years ago in Voting 0 Shipped

Add a checkbox to accept T&Cs

Hi, It would be a great addition to have the ability to set a content which ideas portal's users must accept to join the community. Thanks
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Shipped

Remove 'Del' function for idea record in Salesforce

When a user creates/proxy votes an Idea from Salesforce (support case, etc.), the list of those Ideas are captured in Salesforce, including a 'Del' function. Clicking to 'delete' the idea only deletes it from the list in Salesforce, not in Aha (po...
Jeff Shaffer over 3 years ago in Voting 0 Shipped

Need for Aha! Certified Trainers

It may be extremely useful for Aha! to provide certified training. Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, PMs, POs, and trainers will benefit from such training and certification. It would help in making them better users and trainers of this wonderful pro...
Guest over 7 years ago in Voting 0 Shipped

Support Visio file attachments to Idea Portal

Visio is used often to diagram flows, so it would be helpful to allow those as attachments for new ideas submitted.
Mousa Mitwasi almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Shipped

Hide Idea Created Alert Notification After Browsing to Another Page

The Idea Created green notification shown when a new idea is added does not appear to go away until the user clicks close. It is somewhat confusing to be browsing in another tab 15 minutes after creating an idea and still seeing the Idea Created n...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Ability to customize the body of Idea Portal notifications

We have a private portal where we allow all customers to share ideas, and we mask user names for confidentiality reasons. However the Comment notification email includes Commenter name in the body of the email and cannot be removed. Providing the ...
Wes Gillette almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Allow turning off email notifications for submit-only ideas portal

My manager doesn't want to confuse users by sending them email from a totally different email address that has our company name attached to it. With the submit-only portal, would it be possible to turn off emails? I realize that users wouldn't be ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Idea portal automations that can post Admin responses

After using the ideas portals for some time, we have found that ideas fit into general buckets. As part of this, there are certain requests that are outside the scope of our portal. As such, it would be incredibly helpful to be able to create an a...
Dan Green about 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped