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Improve Filter UX

Using filters in reports is a confusing and painful experience, specifically: There are times when I want to set a filter and not have a drop-down on my report for people to tinker with because changing it would negate the purpose of the report. F...
Haddon Fisher almost 4 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Add Q1, Q2 etc to calendar ranges and filters

The filters have been upgraded with some nice Quarter options, like This Quarter, Next Quarter, etc. I like that! I would also find it very useful to have specific Q!, Q2, Q3, Q4 filters, so I don't have to manually set them up in the filter or in...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Filter related views lists as I type

It'd be nice to filter as I type. When there's a lot of saved views and I'm looking for something, I'm not always exactly sure the name. This would help the discover process.
John Bohn over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Can we add Treemap in Dashboard?

No description provided
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Report Builder Window - Needs Resizing options

I built a Custom Table and added a few fields, however I noticed that when I go to build a report, the layout seems to merge the table name with the field name (for identification purposes) which is a GOOD THING, however it can lead to long names,...
Joe Carpenter almost 8 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Hierarchy report to show fields line by line

I really like how the hierarchy report turns out, but there is an issue that prevents me of using it. See attached: I added 3 fields from the Master Feature object: - Name | Description | another-custom-field Since the Description field is a big m...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Quarter option for date format function

Can you please add a quarter option to the dateformat function? A number format and a "Q#" format would be helpful (examples 1 and Q1)
Reut Levi almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Provide custom product structure visibility in reporting pivots

For larger portfolios of products, it's helpful to be able to report on the entire product portfolio in a summary structure and share it in Notebooks. It can also be especially useful during organizational transitions or transformations. Attached ...
Donna Sawyer almost 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

In Pivot Reports we can display roll-up initiatives and initiatives - awesome. But sorting...

I use a pivot report for reporting out on the progress of Roll-up Initiatives Initiatives Epics Features are my cells This is very nice. I note that we end up using the Initiative and refer indriectly to the Roll-Up-Initiative name as a field. The...
Joseph Flynn almost 4 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Add Voter email domain as a selectable attribute

I trying to provide some information to our Account Managers. I would like to run a report that shows which IDEAS each account (user / email domain) has VOTED for. In this way, the account managers will be both aware of the activity being recorde...
paul everson about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists