Wholistic reporting in Aha is nearly impossible to do in a simple, and easy way. For example, when reporting on Ideas, if one would like to see the Release of each Idea where your Ideas may be promoted to Features or Master Features two reports ar...
Hannah Jackson
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to search for reports by filter field or any “edit data” field
From the Reports > Overview screen, we need the ability to filter our reports by a specific field or filter that is being used in any of our reports. Similar to how custom fields / layouts function by showing which custom layout, on which works...
Shannon Sauvé
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add Delimiter to Public comments field or add 'commenter' and 'comment date field'
I'd like to know who is commenting on ideas to measure engagement of my team with customers. The way the data is present today aggregates the comments to one field and keeps me from being able to extract the user name and date of engagement from t...
Zach Novak
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Ability to include descriptive text in a report-based dashboard panel instead of using a separate panel
Who would benefit? People using Dashboards What impact would it make? Would allow each panel to be exportable with it's related descriptive text How should it work? Just need a text box above (configurable as to where maybe?) the report in the das...
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We want to be able to organize reports into folders in a more useful way. I should be able to create new folders as I save new reports. When searching for reports from the "saved reports" list, I should be able to navigate through the folder tree ...
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Show Release for Master Feature and Feature on the same report
As a user I want to easily be able to see the name of my Master Feature Release and the Featrue's within it Release. Currently there is no way to configure a list report to see them both at the same time. I would want to be able to see something l...
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow a list to be sorted by a field not present in the view
If I view information in a pivot table, I have the ability to sort the table based on a field that is not present in the pivot table view. I would like a similar capability in lists.In my specific example, I have created a custom table to hold ris...
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Calendar Report: Colors and milestone (not release related)
Assign color to calendar items using specific criteria. This helps the audience understand the roadmap items relationships and possible impact.
Show events that are not aligned to a release. This helps for planning roadmap delivery and customer ...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Allow Multiple Pieces of Data in Pivot Table Swimlane
I would like to have several pieces of data in the Pivot Report Swimlane. Right now, it only allows the first row header to be a swimlane. My goal is to create a report which has he Master Feature name, reference number, and description in the swi...
Julia Doyle
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
What is the challenge? When creating a custom chart, if you do not have existing data that includes at least one of the values available, you will not be prompted to give those values a color. What is the impact? Reports don't look good. Designer ...
Sarah H
8 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration