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Categories Reports
Created by Hannah Jackson
Created on Dec 17, 2019

Improve Reporting > Reuse Tables (Recursive Join)

Wholistic reporting in Aha is nearly impossible to do in a simple, and easy way.  For example, when reporting on Ideas, if one would like to see the Release of each Idea where your Ideas may be promoted to Features or Master Features two reports are required.


In the below example, Release is joined to Feature.  Great, we can now see the Release of Ideas promoted to Features.

Idea > Feature > Release
Master Feature   


Now, if I want to see the releases associated with my Master Features, I then have to create another report that looks like this.

Idea > Feature   
Master Feature > Release


However, from a user perspective this is quite silly.  Eliminating an object for subsequent joins because it was used once already makes no sense for enterprise ready reporting.  Work around are arduous.

Idea > Feature > Release
Master Feature > Release


This problem persists for all objects.  If I want to see what Product a an Idea's Feature belongs to, then I can do that on a 1:1 basis.  However if I'm trying to report on all my Ideas and the Products the Features/Master Features with their Products associated to all of them, I have to do a lot of unnecessary individualized reports to be able to answer my questions.  OR even WORSE, I'd have to create custom fields on each Feature and Master Feature objects which is completely unsustainable, and not in line with data management best practices.


In an ideal world, native reporting out of Aha would be a bit smarter.  For example, with Ideas I could use the "Promoted To" field of an Idea and there would be a simple way to see the Release and other relevant data (object type, product, release, owner) of the "Promoted To" object without having to think hard about it.  It should be capable of understanding that when I want information on the promoted object (the what), I will also want the release (the when), and the location of that work (the where). 

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    • Guest
      Feb 26, 2023

      I have another use case:

      I'm trying to see what data records need cleaned up---specifically features under epics where the feature's initiative SHOULD match its epic's initiative but doesn't.

      However, when I try to create list reports, I am not able to include BOTH the feature's initiative record AND epic's initiative record, so I can't compare the 2 initiative names and ensure they match.

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