Support for multi-select in custom fields on bulk update
I have a predefined tags custom field called "customer type" - if i want to bulk update values in that field there is no option to set more than one customer type on the bulk update screen.
Doing multiple bulk updates is a productivity killer for...
John Hastings-Kimball
about 5 years ago
in Reports
It would be great if we could use feature estimate or other metrics in the pivot chart instead of feature count. As not all features are equal in size / importance.
Chris Waters
over 10 years ago
in Reports
Option to remove clickable links from webpage reports
We are sharing lots of reports with various Aha data across the business to over 350 people. We are doing this by building the reports once and sharing a secure webpage link, which is great as everything remains live.
The issue we have is that a...
We extensively use pivot reports to present data to our stakeholders, however it would be extremely valuable to be able to control the widths of the columns to improve look and feel. Currently some fields are displayed extremely wide, while others...
The new reporting Add Data dialog is awesome. It would be even even more awesome if when you selected a record or child record, by default it added the Item Name field as being checked when you selected a record.
The majority of the time when buil...
As a user which has opened more than one report i want to see in browser TAB the name of report instead of "Report list", then I could faster see which TAB i should click to see the report i want to.
For this report, it would be really valuable to show the start and due date for master features.
Attached are the current options including Feature, Release and To-Date dates.
Barnett Klane
about 7 years ago
in Reports
We are using the calendar view as our main view for working on features. It should help us if we could change the order of feature cards per day, e.g. on status, or grouped by release or product.
Usability Issue - every milestone in Aha is listed when building reports
Our Aha instance has hundreds of products (potentially thousands) and each product has a large number of milestones. When you build a report (Reports > Roadmaps > Epics) and try and select which milestone to show in the report, you have to s...
George Champlin-Scharff
over 7 years ago
in Reports