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Add "is blank"/"is not blank" filter option for "record links" filter type

For most filter options in a report you can choose to filter by fields that are "blank" or "not blank". This is not the case for the "record links" filter. It would be great to be able to also filter record links using the "blank"/"is not blank" o...
Finn Meyer over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Save custom colors when changing themes on a pivot table

When you create a pivot table you have the ability to choose custom cell colors via the "customize style" screen. If you customize these colors and then change the theme, the colors will reset to the theme default. It would be better if the custom...
Finn Meyer about 2 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Provide an ability to perform sql queries against the database to pull data. For example, record links based reports are extremely limited in scope.

Need to create a list of features/stories that have dependencies, filter by the dependencies and sort by the dependencies.
Deepak Arasappa over 7 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to include Epic and Feature card positions in user story maps in List Reports as columns

What is the challenge? user story maps are not listed as available data objects nor attributes telling how contained epics and features are sorted within these user story maps. So far we can only reconcile which user story map contains which epic ...
Pascal B 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Cannot sort pivot report by calculated estimates

What is the challenge? If you build a pivot of your team capacity estimates converted to people, cost or hours, you cannot sort the values (see attached) What is the impact? If you were looking to see where the highest number of hours, people or c...
Chris Quigley 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Update labels on scatter charts to easily view records with same data points on a single chart

What is the challenge? If you create a scatter chart where multiple records have the same placement on the chart, the record labels sit on top of each other making it impossible to read the different record labels. What is the impact? Labels canno...
Stephanie Lechner 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Align sort order on shared webpage dashboard filters to source dashboard filters

What is the challenge? When you have dashboard filters, and you share the dashboard as a webpage, the sort order on the filters do not match. What is the impact? When using a workspace filter, for instance, the workspaces are not in the same order...
Stephanie Lechner 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow custom colors for custom table many-to-many fields

What is the challenge? I've set up a many-to-many custom table field to take the place of a multi-select custom field. I can't change the color of the custom table entries, like I could with the multi-select tags. It makes it difficult to quickly ...
Guest 12 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Enable more "filtering" possibilities in the Analytics Diagram

Dear Aha! Team, my idea is about adding more filter possibilities in the Analytics Diagram Report. Situation today As of today the existing four filters on the Diagram report are not only used to filter, but also to hide/show a certain hiera...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Prettier single-number pie charts in new charts

What is the challenge? Single numbers in pie charts look like this: What is the impact? Whereas in classic charts, it's possible to display single-number pie charts like this: Describe your idea We'd love to display high-level metrics like this in...
Nathaniel Collum 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration