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My ideas: Reports

Showing 1051 of 9171

Report on dates associated with delivery risks

What is the challenge? Delivery risks are a great way to keep track of work that is at risk for a variety of reasons. The challenge that arises is that there is no way to associate the addition/removal of a delivery risk with a date so I don't kno...
Justin Waldorf 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Make viewing data in Aha! much easier and quicker, in less than 2 clicks

Users are really struggling with reports and roadmaps. They want to be able to find what they are looking for with just a couple of clicks and are overwhelmed with all the options presented to them under Roadmaps - as they have no idea what a pivo...
Deirdre Clarke over 1 year ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to add an expiry date for shared webpages report.

What is the challenge? Currently there is no expiry date option present to be added to a shared webpage report as it the shareable links needs to be disabled manually. What is the impact? Instead of manually disabling the webpage it would be bette...
Guest 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow setting "To-do description" in reports to a rich text export

What is the challenge? With most description fields, such as Feature description, pulling those fields into a list report gives you the option to choose whether the column will be formatted for a Rich text export or a Plain text export. The descri...
Maria Plotkina 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Clear Multiple or All Ranked Records on Prioritization Report

Clear Multiple Ranked Records on Prioritization Report Requirement: Multiselect ranked records to remove from ranked area. Use Case: Multiple ranked records are shipped or moved to other workspaces or parking lot, and therefore should be removed f...
Hank Liu almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Show pivot table column even if nothing in there

What is the challenge? Want to use pivot table view as a progress tracker (similar to Kanban) What is the impact? More teams and more collaborative ritual can be done inside Aha Describe your idea We have a custom field marking 5 stages of UX desi...
Puppy Tsai 6 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Introduce the ability for report owners and collaborators to control access on a per-report basis

We have a need to enable SSO for shared webapges. We want to create and share reports with internal teams that they can then bookmark in their browsers. We also embed many reports within our own internal Confluence. Currently, within the webpage s...
Shannon Sauvé over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Using predefined tags fields in a report calculated field

The ability to use a predefined tag field in a calculated column. For example, if null or if it contains X. You can currently do that via filters however, then your report would exclude records.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reports 6 Future consideration

Configure Report Sharing at Folder Level / Administrative Level

What is the challenge? Currently in order for a user to see or interact with a folder - they must have access to a report in that folder. In our environment - we have a predefined folder structure for reporting but unless we create a generic repor...
David Willequer 10 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Shift dashboard panels when resizing

When resizing a dashboard panel, the default action is to overlap with panels beneath. I'm not sure of when that use case would be preferred over rather shifting down or across a panel that conflicts with the panel boundaries you are moving around...
Madeleine Black over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration