We attach a lot of ideas and/or features to epics, initiatives, and goals. That level of granularity is not needed in the presentation itself or the initial webpage view, in which we display only high level planning objects (initiatives, epics, goals), but it is often necessary when presenting to provide more context and show the more granular records that associated with that item. Without this feature, I have to jump back into the application, and unless I share my screen, I am the only one that can see those records.
Very valuable especially when sharing to stake holders you don't want to provide View access to Aha, such as development :)
I agre with the comment about this being beneficial for selling the value of Aha! to wider set of stakeholders. We’re currently working on a view for our senior leaders where this would be helpful to show via a clean shared webpage or presentation, versus providing them all access to the app.
Yeah, we're trying to sell Aha! to our tech team and across the organization and one of the biggest chokepoints seems to be the ability to create a presentation or web page with workspaces and initiatives where you'd be able to click on an initiative and drill down into the epics and features for that initiative.
I would like to do a roadmap by epic, but the fact you cannot then drill in to the features makes this not sensible. You can already drill in to Tags and even Custom fields. But not being able to show the Features for an Epic seems crazy.
We do our roadmaps by epic, it would be useful to be able to drill into those epics to see the list of features included